kraft trowels

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An online firm called Carobyn sell these trowels and i remember buying a nice kraft hawk from them a while back.
Free delivery as well! :) prefer marshalltown trowels though
I have not used the trowels as yet so i cant give you any idea of the quality but the hawk i bought is better than the marshalltown ones.
I've used one spunky, they are nice, i used a 12x4. it was a lovely trowel, nice for doing radius's etc. I use a spear and jackson trowel but I made mine 12x4 after using this one, if I buy another trowel i would go for one of them over the MT's anyday.
cool cheers mate can you remember if the blade shape was good if you look from toe to heel ?
It was spot on, they're not quite as flexible as my s and J but still a nice trowel. They are a cement trowel I believe, the one I tried hadn't done a great deal of work but it still felt nice and put on nice and flat. It felt like it was made well, which is not something that you come across much, I've looked down the blade on some of them MT's and they're shocking, bent to f**k.
Them perma shape ones, they're shite. Had a bit of a debate with the MT rep at inter build last year about the shape of the blades on them, he was having none of it. ;D I've got an MT, I use it for scrimming up and scraping snotters off boards where the builders have left the dry wall adhesive everywhere. LOL other than that not really keen on them.
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