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New Member
Hi everyone,

anyone know where i can buy knauf plaster? any of the big building chains? i'm on the wirral but can't find it anywhere.
enuf with this knuf its all a big bluf and when it goes off it smells like my guff!

never seen the stuff but i like the idea of white walls?

is it easy 2 use?
This question has only had 4 replies ....not to many plasterers out there would even piss in a mix of Knauf me included.Even during the gysum shortage 3-4 years ago when u couldnt get multi or board finnish for love nor money would i even consider using that rubbish,i have seen with my own eyes that u can get a half decent finnish with it,but i cant !!!!!
Its like learning all over again and many plasterers i have spoken to about this knauf wont give it time of day.
Only time i ever use it is for when i brick up fire places and i use the 1 coast stuff to save time,but if the customer wants a good finnish thell have to pay for gypsum and the extra time involved.
As above the one above ,,

I like using it but as i have said before you cant use it like you do your multi or board finish it'll bite you in the ass if you do.

i love it hangs like f**k so you can get more on well on boards anyway but once it starts going it goes rapid never used it on a reskim. i find it finishes better when you sponge it aswell
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