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Yes its quite easy to use if you can render it shouldnt be a problem , plenty of help around here if you need it .
yep easy enough if u can smooth render your can do it lay it on thick well proud of your beads rule it off leaving it proud of the beads 5-10mm (sure someone more experienced will correct me on that) let it take up scutch it up taking it back to the beads be careful not to miss any of it tho cos it shows a mile of once its gone alot of lads i know scutch the following day i prefer the finish you get wen u scutch the same day think thats just a personal opinion
Its funny stuff really and i cant make up my mind if I like it or not ...It's a bit like cake mixture to lay by hand quite thick and sticky and as mentioned you lay it proud of the beads then rub back when it has set enough to allow it,this depends on many factors summer/winter for example.

Last year we were spraying panels on a block of flats right on top of the hill by the sea we got caught out one night as the wind was blowing like mad and by the morning the panels were as hard as flint took us all day to rub up and was right hard work.

Rich b
youre beads have to bang on it sets brittle so if theres gaps itll just fall off, you have to lay on by hand two coats and overlap the beads by a few mm so you can scratch back to the bead, you need to use the same amount of water per mix and scrape it back the same hardness ......this is tricky when the sun comes out ;D....good luck
you dont need to go on a course mate, 5-10mm thicker then the beads is a bit too thick mate and will make hard work scratchin it back, just make sure there's a couple of mm over the top of the beads, when you mix the material (using a drill and whisk) let it sit in the tub for 5 mins then give it another quick mix,
Mr Monkey,

You use a whisk to mix your k-rend ??? really ??? how much do you lay up??? surly you wont be able to whisk up enough
used to years ago mate used to knock up 7 bags in a tub at a time and would lay on about 30m2 comfortably, bought a machine about 5-6 years and retired the drill and whisk
I have always hired a diesel mixer cause i thought that K rend had to be mixed for at least 20 minutes as per instructions on the bag, but if you say drill it then i have the large refina megamixer so might give it a try.

How much and where is the best place to buy a machine,im seriously thinking about it.

Rich Brown
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