k rend over ply ,felt and eml

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New Member
been to see a k-rend job that somebody had started apparantly took the customers money and gone,dont know why cause they have made a decent job,got to give them a price to finish off about 20m2 of krend and two bay windows that have been ply lined ,breathable felt and then eml,would we be ok to krend over these or is a case of start again
how strong is the hpx? only used the hp12 as never needed the ulta high x I always thought hpx was closer to the likes of maite or sm700 rather than a thicker base

What depth is nominal for application of hpx in mm
Hpx is the best on market it goes on quite this as it saggs a lot we also run a mesh through it . But never tried in eml as I don't think it would be sucesfull
Strong stuff HPX, they make it for Sto and bag it for them. Problem with it is it has polymers that eradicate suction, therefore when you top coat with mono it it needs to be very dry and even then left over night usually. It's expensive too about £14 a bag, always put your beads up with HPX!
you prob right then jetman, as Mcplaster says they make and bag for sto (they also do for many other manufacturers) then it could be the armat. That said, it is a product used around 6mm onto insulation or cem-boards (like the stuff i use alot - flexi, strong polymer)

Pwi - thinking then that hpx is the equivalent to the high pols for insulation and cemboard and you love it (the best on the market) have you tried sm700? marmorits equal? superb gear I think you might like this one pal trust me
never tried hpx am gonna fish some out...parex maite is good but pricey, is sas prep krend hpx in a different bag? all these supposed render mafufacturers or should i say resellers are all in on it. I mean they all buy and rebag it as their own half the time....what a load of piff. Then they say to guarantee they need to do it to exactly their spec( as in sell more proprietary render) then pass the whole god damn shooting match off as their own. The more i understand this undustry the more of a big load of sheeeit it is. Do the job to common sense and relevant to the substrate and you have a system as bulletproof as any "guaranteed" resellers system at a fraction of the cost with the same peace of mind
goody said:
never tried hpx am gonna fish some out...parex maite is good but pricey, is sas prep krend hpx in a different bag? all these supposed render mafufacturers or should i say resellers are all in on it. I mean they all buy and rebag it as their own half the time....what a load of piff. Then they say to guarantee they need to do it to exactly their spec( as in sell more proprietary render) then pass the whole god damn shooting match off as their own. The more i understand this undustry the more of a big load of sheeeit it is. Do the job to common sense and relevant to the substrate and you have a system as bulletproof as any "guaranteed" resellers system at a fraction of the cost with the same peace of mind

I recon sas high polymer base whatever they use for boards will prob be hpx goody if they bag for sas also. you called it prep coat? if its the specified for masonry it will more likely be UF or HP

they make 3 or 4 grades low polmer backing such as UFase (user friendly - there is a uf fibre base too medium polymer) hp12 (hi polymer - still good msonry) and the hpx that I have never used but recon its the mega high poly modified for ins/cem boards) some manufacturers ship in UF and flog it as a build up for masonry then overcoat with texture. I recon sto level coat is either UF or HP12
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