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Hello all
Was just wondering if anyone uses k-rend HP12 or HP14 on EWI Systems.
I've never used any products from K-REND and wanted to see if it's good to use.
It seems to be fairly cheap to buy.
Ok thanks.
I was thinking of doing my next job in it.
It's only 100 m2 bungalow and was gona put Jub 1.5 silicone as top coat
What's wrong with jub basecoat?
There's nothing wrong with the Jub basecoat
I was talking to a lad from the mainland and was told me that HP12 HP14 is good and can rub up like render and more rigid than normal base oats.
That's why I though I would ask on here if anyone else uses it regulaley
Ok mate thanks for that.
To be honest I find the Jub works well.
But because most of the houses over here are flat smooth render some customers want a finish that looks like rubbed up render.
From what I was told you could get that with krend.
There's nothing wrong with the Jub basecoat
I was talking to a lad from the mainland and was told me that HP12 HP14 is good and can rub up like render and more rigid than normal base oats.
That's why I though I would ask on here if anyone else uses it regulaley
Not sure if I'm honest
Ian Jones uses there basecoat a a lot do he will know mate
Used both and I'd recommend JUB all day long. You do rub it up but it's not quite like sand & cement as they'd have you believe. Also I'm finding it hangs around far too long to get any decent coverage rubbed up with the current weather.
we have used krend on knauf render carrier board. a first class flat render finish.
krend does take extra mixing, if it looks grainy then it need more of a mix.
we have used krend on knauf render carrier board. a first class flat render finish.
krend does take extra mixing, if it looks grainy then it need more of a mix.
Cheers mate
Is it finished with a diomond float then sponged?
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