just saying :-)

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New Member
Hi, I'm brand new here. Was looking for information on K rend. On looking on't 'net, this looks promising. Before I delve, I just want to say that when trying to join it wouldn't let me. This was because I put "looking for info on K rend".

Just a suggestion, but you could allow a sentence as to how people like me got here. :)

I know already from my "free spins" that this place is gonna be invaluable. Cheers.

I have nearly finished my K rend project. Hope to share my DIY experience soon. I took photo's. Very busy working on my house. I have enjoyed using K rend and my friends and neighbours are impressed.

Will get back with a thread about my experience if anyone is interested. Thanks. Now I'm going to read some posts, While I've got Grand Designs on in the background..... 12:30m.... Gotta chill before I sleep for 5 to 6 hours... ;p
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