just priced a job

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New Member
hi,just put a writen quote in for a job for 2 bedrooms (ceillings and walls),both rooms size about 12ft by 10ft,ive priced for 2 lads and material for 2 days work £600,they are getting 3 quote,,,,,do u think that sounds right.....thanks.
Thats about 90-100m2. £60-70 materials, rest pocket money, not bad quote at all. BTW I,d quote £500-£520 but am a cheap B$%ch.
well i just hope ur not one of the other two ;D but thats wot i was thinking bout 500 - 550 but its a nice house,so u no wot there going to be like,there more worryed bout you leaving any mess,there dont even give a sh*t bout the plastering till your gone and they no theres no mess,following you around with a brush and shovel.. ;D
Yeah good quote but i'd have gone on my own and banged them out in 2 days nice money,no real need for a labourer now we have paddle drills bit different in the days of stick and splodger.
them days of the roofing lath and then when we given a chian wheel welded to a piece of steel pipe,it was the future,in fact still got my chian wheel 18 years old she is
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