just finish my level 2 diploma in plastering and is looking for work any tips

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just finish my level 2 diploma in plastering and is looking for work any tips ,loooking for work as a labourere for a plasterer reli jjst havingabard time atm any tips on what i shud do ?
Hi and welcome , have you come from a building background and do you know any plasterers ? over wise maybe go through the phone book and make some calls . Where are you from by the way ?
Problem is most plasterers are 1 man bands and can't afford to take people on, had the same problem 4 years ago.

You could aproach a building firm and do a day with them for free to show your level of work. I sugest to maybe work on 1 wall at a time focusing on quality rather then quantity. You could then maybe be do 2 too 3 hits a day. As you're doing less hits then an experianced plaster you'll have to charge less, maybe £65-80 a day. Because your taking more time then your less likely to be stealing others work. As your speed and qaulity increses then you can start incresing your rate.

Suggest if you gat any private jobs then don't underestmate how long it will take, things always take longer then you think at first. If you have a box room for example, with experiance you may be able to do it in a day and charge maybe £300 plus materials(always buy a bit more then you need, cos you don't wanna have to nip out halfway through a set). Do it over 2 or even 3 days, it may seem that you're earning less, but if you take a bit longer to get it spot on, then you wouldn't get a call to rectify bad work. You may how ever get a call about a freind of theirs that needs some work.

Remeber to cover all the work area. Mask around carpet edge. I then put dust sheets down, then put hard board on top, the more prep you do the less clearing up at the end. Also put sheets down where ever your likely to walk, and keep clean trainers outside of work area and change into them everytime you leave the area. Also invest in a hoover.
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