joist hangers

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big ali

New Member
what would you guys interpret " mechanically fixed joist hangers" to mean....
hangers that are bolted to the wall and not fitted into a mortar course or am i wrong?
the wall that the joists are to be connected to is an existing wall so cant be built in.
straight to the wall, cant see why i cant bolt a dirty great wedge of timber to the wall and stick some jiffy hangers on there
Depends on the weight and span i think,cant you use them ones that go in a cement joint?Where are you working at mo ?
the drawing shows them going str8 to the wall, not timber but says mechanically fixed thats what has thrown me. gonna be a pain fitting in a mortar joint and getting them level as the course is a bit piss eyed. im working in wolstanton at the minute was in baddeley green last week where you at
thats what i thought but what a ******* pain that will be fixing that lot to masonry much easier to fix a a bit of 2x1 (joking) to the wall and hang the joists of that
Im not in at the mo waiting for a job to be given the ok to start when they get the keys to the building.If it says mechanical fix on the drawing i cant see why you cant put your 6x2 fixed on the wall and use your joist hangers to come off them.
im waiting for the nudge off building control so i can bolt joists to wall and hang the rest of there, daren't do it with out checking
im waiting for the nudge off building control so i can bolt joists to wall and hang the rest of there, daren't do it with out checking

Allways best to check before hand mate. My experience of building control people is they are ok if you are doing things right, but if you try doing things half arsed or on the cheap they will be onto you.
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