If ya 2 coating properly everything is filled out first coat anyway. Totally uneccesary.
Each to there own tho
2 coat easi-fill and i joint filler for easy sanding.... PROPER WAY
was the work ok
Proper way for who? That's not even the proper way to tape & joint it, let alone skim it. Why would you joint it before skimming? Been watching too many youtube videos I reckon.
Some people have some silly ******* ideas.
spark tony is a tape and jointer mate thats all he does day in day out.
sorry i didnt read the post correctly, u wouldnt do filling of 3 coats before skimming
sh@t didnt know that, i never done it myself (tape and joint), stay well away from that subject..
but seriously i know a guy been doing it years and when he dry lines... he does a coat of easi fill sands, another coat sands then finally joint filler as its the finishing coat and easily sanded
on my course i seen the guy plasterboarding scriming it and then filling the joint with easyfill - sanding in till feathered
then painted... i seen the trainer teaching one of the guys there
sorry i didnt read the post correctly, u wouldnt do filling of 3 coats before skimming
4 f+++ sacke 4 how much time u got 2 board & skim 4 bed 3 storey house on a price u ante got time 2 do 3 coats ov filler before skim u do wat contractor says fill tapes out before skim like i said at top ov page less cracking less patching thats all wat the **** wants f+++++g kids think they now every thing :RpS_lol:
Didn't think you had. No offence taken
Love Kermit x
4 f+++ sacke 4 how much time u got 2 board & skim 4 bed 3 storey house on a price u ante got time 2 do 3 coats ov filler before skim u do wat contractor says fill tapes out before skim like i said at top ov page less cracking less patching thats all wat the **** wants f+++++g kids think they now every thing :RpS_lol:
Spark - you come across as a bit of a knob at times.
And you can call me whatever you like:RpS_sleep:
ye ha gidde up still mates :RpS_thumbsup:ok mate, we got the message, i already have been caned for speaking out of turn by the others,
stop jumping on the badwagon u cowboy...i'll stick to the plastering then and leave the tape and jointing
alone if it pleases you.....
now ssshhhhhhh now ok!!! good man
I always thought that easi fill went on last...
My tape and jointing experience is very small but just a question. On site dont they use something called "fast set" first? then easi fill over the top?
But if the wrong boards have been used when you the area is to be skimmed ie... tapered edge board I whip round the joints first then drop back and 2 coatno plastic trowel no sponges just straight forward skimming
Spark - you come across as a bit of a knob at times.
And you can call me whatever you like:RpS_sleep: