Jekyll & Hyde ??

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Alright lads,

Anyone had a cheque stopped for poor workmanship ?? I pride myself on doing a quality job, tidy up etc... and as of 1 hour ago my record still stood. Just got a call from an old mate (yes mate) who I have done £500 worth of work for this week and last - Lounge & Dining ceilings, couple of walls, landing and hall ceilings and the main bedroom re-board ceiling and skim

Pays me by cheque this morning as I was just finishing off commenting on what a great job I'd done - Bear in mind this is phase 2 of work at his property, already paid me 850 2 weeks ago so knows I can do a great job

Phones me an hour ago to say that the landing ceiling has a slight wave in it and he's stopped the cheque - Hold on I thought, the landing ceiling was only 60 quid, seems a bit harsh to stop it all for the sake of a wave ??

I apologised profusely and offered to go back tomorrow first thing to take a look and rectify it

'Not gonna happen mate' he says. 'I'm getting someone else in to rectify it'

If it gets messy, isn't he obliged to at least let me go round to see what he's moaning about ?? I'm more than happy to sort it out but he's not even giving me the chance to go round ??

I've now got to wait until the weekend when he has supposedly got another plasterer in to tell him ow much its gonna cost to fix - I feel like I'm on Death Row awaiting my fate !!

Was advised by a family member to follow up our phone call this evening with a letter just to help my cause in case it did end up going down the small claims route ??

Anyone else think he's out of order ??
your spot on he has to give you the oppurtunity to sort the work out first before calling anyone else in, get back on the phone to him.
I wouldn't bother ringing i'd go round and talk face to face, no trouble, but your more likely to get a positive response.
Sounds like the bloke is going out of his way not to pay you , to immediately get someone else in to sort out a little problem is way over the top ,which suggests to me he aint got the money to pay you anyway .
agree with church..
end of the day, if the landing ceiling was 60 quid, let him knock 60 quid off the cheque and go round there tonight to collect another one... got no reason to do what he's doing and he's no mate..
deserves a smack in the mouth..
im sure youve got a legal right to put youre work right mate within so many days .......if this wasn't the case we'd all be getting screwed on every job
Cheers guys for you support - It really has been a bolt from the blue - to top it all he got a cob on because I've put a few empty plaster bags in his skip on the front drive - He's ranting and raving saying I should have taking them home with me because the skip was only for the kitchen fitter - I mean for f*cks sake, if theres a skip to use, you use it dont you ?? And its only half full, the kitchen fitters been and gone!
Go over in a bit and punch his lights out .... what a cock.

Keep us all posted on what happens, Im reading with interest.

sorry to hear about it though mate
Sound like time for a good old fashioned right hook mate!!!!!

I think he's taking the P I S S cause he knows ya and prob never intended to pay. I could cope with loosing your money but if he goes round slagging your work it could cost you more work.

I'm wound up now >:(
sounds like he had no intentions of payin bet he not even got another plasterer goin round i had it not long back we had words and he not payed me my 400 im still waitin 2 catch up with him good thing is the other spreads he had round were double my price his loss i say
At least someone's behind me - cheers guys

Its been left that he will call me on Sunday once he's got someone round to asses and quote for the work and then pay me for the rest of the work I did - Whats winding me up so much is that I know that ceiling was like a sheet of glass - I went out of my way to do a proper job so I can only guess at what he's wittering on about it being wavy ??

Anyhow, will keep you posted next week whats been agreed - like you all say, at worst knock 60 quid off the bill and pay me what I'm due - anything less than 400 and I'm seeking legal advice - As tempted as I am to go round and swing for the tw*t, I want to keep it all above board in case it goes to small claims so he cant turn round and say I trespassed / assualted him etc...

Put me right off my mid-week kebab it has - I've left half of it, lost all my appetite !!!
send me the takeaway m8te and the cunte number were was the work you in essex
Unfortunately mate youve been knocked just forget the money and go round and smash him.
Re: Jekyll & Hyde - news flash !!!

This just gets more curious - received a phone call about an hour ago to say that he'd be round with the full £500 at 7 pm

Apparently he's got another plasterer in who has said theres nothing wrong with any of it and would have charged more anyway

Whats going through this guy's mind ? - Oh well, its all money in the bank - good start to the weekend !!
good job he rang a genuine plasterer mate cos you could have some tw*t that would of made up a load of bull just to get the reskim.

its not only the money thats the problem though is it mate, its the fact that you may of lost a mate.
Proper mate I think not! Anyone else find working for mates or family a pain in the arse? Find yourself thinking you put in a bad price and feel you've skammed them or yourself! Also if you have any problem they never let you forget it!
I think your mate was taking the piss, there are some rough pikeys out there getting away with murder, making a good living.
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