Roofer2plasterer Member Jun 25, 2009 #1 He can't be cremated due to environmetal issues. cause he's 80% plastic. ;D He could be reincarnated as some Road cones!
He can't be cremated due to environmetal issues. cause he's 80% plastic. ;D He could be reincarnated as some Road cones!
Pug Well-Known Member Jun 26, 2009 #2 toy makers martel have bought his body, they're going to melt it down and make jacko dolls, let kids play with him for a change.
toy makers martel have bought his body, they're going to melt it down and make jacko dolls, let kids play with him for a change.
S southernmonkey Private Member Jun 26, 2009 #3 he's not dead they said he had a heart attack but they found him in the childrens ward having a stroke
he's not dead they said he had a heart attack but they found him in the childrens ward having a stroke
essexandy The Lake Governor Jun 26, 2009 #4 I think you all have an extremely sick sense of humour..... very good keep it up!!
oasis New Member Jun 26, 2009 #5 whats the diffrence between Jacko and Alex Feguson? Feruson will be playin Giggs this summer!
F fruitcake New Member Jun 26, 2009 #7 whats the diff between west ham n jacko west hame will still be blowin bubbles next seasonjavascript:void(0);
whats the diff between west ham n jacko west hame will still be blowin bubbles next seasonjavascript:void(0);
Roofer2plasterer Member Jun 27, 2009 #8 You've been hit by, you've been struck by, your left ventricle.
K kebab king Private Member Jun 27, 2009 #10 Jacko`s ghost has been seen on a childrens hospital ward , apparently he is still trying to put the willies up small children.
Jacko`s ghost has been seen on a childrens hospital ward , apparently he is still trying to put the willies up small children.