Right, will say this again. Dont buy cheap when it comes to a genny. Why?. do you really want to get something that will only just do the job because you will get to a job and it wont do it so you will be right in it. If you buy cheap its also going to cost you in other ways, the guy you call to come out and sort the machine out because its not running right WILL charge you for his wasted time if its the genny that he never supplied. If your a gang and all sat around not putting gear on the wall, thats going to cost. Its not just the output KVA you need to be aware of its how the genny handles the kick down when the machine starts or has to pump a material thats needs a bit more juice from the machine and genny. Thats why you will struggle to find any second hand because people hang on to them because of the build quality. Maybe it will run ok but its going to be the case of buy it and see, if it does then great and the guy will sell a load but if it dont your stuck and out of pocket but nobody can tell you if it will or wont unless you find someone who has tried one.