is this any good to run a machine ?

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that genie would run it but im not sure how it would cope with start up does look cheap tho
Trouble with gennys the companys selling them mislead you about the kva, This one sounds ok and has the right engine but you need to know the altenator manufacturers name and spec. It,s a cracking price though. :-\
As long as the three phase outlet on the genny is 3P+N+E should do you, make sure it has the Neutral though.The most reliable and trusted gennys are £3500 about from genplus systems, he who dares and all that!
hmm interesting this I have emailed them for a pic as the one on show isn't the machine in question. it says the output is 16a 3 phase, doesn't it need to be 32a??
my gennie uses a 16a socket , richard yes it would run it , but i dont know if it would be able to handle the start up of the machine , every time you start the machine (which is probably around a dozen times on average per spray) it draws a hell of a lot of power from the genny which can cause them to collapse if they are not strong enough and if it struggles to recover then your gonna have problems. i'm not saying its not any good but i would want to be trying it before i bought it
I used the briggs and stratton pft genny with my mp25 and it powered it no probs at all and that's the 12.5 kva one not the 15kva (kohler) one as someone mentioned on here right?
like monkey said, krend egrade takes more than pirex. The pft ones are 12.5 but been designed for the machine side of things. you wont know until you hook a machine up to it. I run the Kohler 15kva so i never have a problem. ;D
Right, will say this again. Dont buy cheap when it comes to a genny. Why?. do you really want to get something that will only just do the job because you will get to a job and it wont do it so you will be right in it. If you buy cheap its also going to cost you in other ways, the guy you call to come out and sort the machine out because its not running right WILL charge you for his wasted time if its the genny that he never supplied. If your a gang and all sat around not putting gear on the wall, thats going to cost. Its not just the output KVA you need to be aware of its how the genny handles the kick down when the machine starts or has to pump a material thats needs a bit more juice from the machine and genny. Thats why you will struggle to find any second hand because people hang on to them because of the build quality. Maybe it will run ok but its going to be the case of buy it and see, if it does then great and the guy will sell a load but if it dont your stuck and out of pocket but nobody can tell you if it will or wont unless you find someone who has tried one.
spot on simps if you need to hire one try abird they specialise in 3 phase power and are cheap
Firm i used to do work with a few months ago who had the Mtec 300 used to hire a genny well the firm went bump the other week so they will have a hundred gennys, how you get your hands on them i dont know but they will be being sold by someone, pretty sure its these boys but might be mistaken
dunno his name .... I was phoning about he had one for 3 grand so I just bought it over the phone. he said its a 2009 model as new complete with hoses etc. also 3 of us are driving up so he can show us how to set up clean up etc.

Seemed good at the time
make sure you check the tag on it to confirm that it is a 2009 , and how much hose and airline have you got as they only come with 10m as standard
Im on it Stuart. To be honest I have hell of a lot to learn and am shitting it a bit. I have a small mono job to do first week of feb (150m2) so that will be the test for me.

just make sure you get the set up right everytime and you wont have any probs . listen carefully and write things down. best advice is when it comes to setting up the machine is that you do it everytime completley on your own so as you know its been done properly and once your confident then let others do it, theres nothing worse then 3 or 4 people trying to set it up as thats when mistakes happen
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