is it just me ?

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Or did the back of a multy bag used to say 2 1-2 hours to set start to finish was looking today and it said 1 1-2 hour I think I'm right cos it was going of like fock
it used to say 2 1/2 hours on board finish and 3 hours on multi...
now it just says 1.5 hours on each, but thats one coat innit....
let the first coat hazel off and mix fresh for the top coat and lay it on thickish and your still lookin at 3 hours a set...
this warm weather makes a difference mate and I'm led to believe theres such thing as a winter and summer batch from british gypsum, as in the amount of retarder in it..... ive had the odd bag set up like quick smart on a 10m ceiling lately and others hang for ages... just a case of feeling every set...
hey ho, thats the nature of the game though...

anyone know a way of knocking up a 1 coat mix for chases that sets in 10 minutes without shrinking like a ballsack in an icebucket?

ive been trying allsorts of concoctions like 1 bonding 3 finish, 2 cement... goes off quick, pva the background and it doesnt crack but what it does do is shrink back from the edges of the chase... ::)

so far the best result ive had is bond out the chases dry using bonding+quickcem, 20 minutes @ around 10mm depth and skim it with multi...

problems arise when the bonding is deep like on these 'no fines' concrete houses - the chases can be 3" deep sometimes...
Chris W said:
it used to say 2 1/2 hours on board finish and 3 hours on multi...
now it just says 1.5 hours on each, but thats one coat innit....
let the first coat hazel off and mix fresh for the top coat and lay it on thickish and your still lookin at 3 hours a set...
this warm weather makes a difference mate and I'm led to believe theres such thing as a winter and summer batch from british gypsum, as in the amount of retarder in it..... ive had the odd bag set up like quick smart on a 10m ceiling lately and others hang for ages... just a case of feeling every set...
hey ho, thats the nature of the game though...

anyone know a way of knocking up a 1 coat mix for chases that sets in 10 minutes without shrinking like a ballsack in an icebucket?

ive been trying allsorts of concoctions like 1 bonding 3 finish, 2 cement... goes off quick, pva the background and it doesnt crack but what it does do is shrink back from the edges of the chase... ::)

so far the best result ive had is bond out the chases dry using bonding+quickcem, 20 minutes @ around 10mm depth and skim it with multi...

problems arise when the bonding is deep like on these 'no fines' concrete houses - the chases can be 3" deep sometimes...
p1ss in it ;D
jord218 said:
Chris have you tried Hardwall and cement at 50/50? just for chases and small stuff?
no mate not had the bottle, whats the shrinkage like? cement'll put a finish on it, just dont wanna have to go back and redo if poss...
I,ve used it to set beads and the odd chase as long as you don't p1ss around with it you should be fine. I,ve skimmed walls after with no probs. Time wise and not really ever in that much of a rush to get it on. I,ve alo used fixing foam on chase's, if the chase is even and not too deep 10 mins and you can cut it back and skim straight over it ;)
jord218 said:
I,ve used it to set beads and the odd chase as long as you don't p1ss around with it you should be fine. I,ve skimmed walls after with no probs. Time wise and not really ever in that much of a rush to get it on. I,ve alo used fixing foam on chase's, if the chase is even and not too deep 10 mins and you can cut it back and skim straight over it ;)
Too true Bod, forgot to put that in. DOH ::) ::)
i put dirty water in out of me water buket (after i have spent a day cleaning my trowel in it) gets it down to about half hour and glue them like mad.i do this for patching too and it works for me.
I've done chases a few times with skim/hardwall mix it 60/40 around that mark more skim than hardwall maybe hard to tell without looking at it you dont want it too bitty but you want it just thick enough not to slump...50/50 pva if its high suction background otherwise just hit it doesn't crack and polishes up a beauty. You get a fair bit of time on it about an hour maybe bit longer. Tried the rapid cement its ok but slower with this method you can fill the whole chase/patch in one go. ;)
an hours too long...
theres loads of these chases, some houses have only electrical upgrades so all there is is chases, and sometimers only one...
if theres loads then just bond up as normal then run round and finish em, timewise no worries butwhen theres only one you wanna be in out gone inside half an hour or they dont really pay...
gonna have to gt em to get some more hardwall in cos its all boning at the minute..
have to try the old hardwall / cement i reckon..
Have you not tried Wickes one coat Chriss maybe a bit of cement or dirty water would set it of quicker, some one did say a while back on here that their was a quick setting one coat availabler but i cant remember who.
personally i'd go for the hardwall/skim maybe whack some rapid cement in should be out in half an hour and have a nice finish. Don't bother PVAing just wet it down if it starts crazing.
onecoat is the way mate,fill al the chases up you got and wash around edges go back over it again to fill and wash edges again quick fag,sponge over them hard trowelfinal polish then payday.
You can also buy some ready mixed gear from wickes its in a orange tub expensive at i think £8 but great gear to work with fills chasses in one trowel over and polishes good enough too.its a grey couloured cement product dries rapid too 20=30 mins till payday this time of year
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