Intumescent paint

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cant understand why you would be in the first place? only time ive seen it used was on period doors that had to be fire rated... why would you paint a wall with it when 12.5mm plasterboard with a skim finish gives you a half hour fire rating? ???
chances are its gonna be pretty well sealed so if you really have to i'd gypbond it then skim it...
Thanks for your help

Its a new one on me, the paint is used a lot on listed buildings when they require the doors to be fire rated

The spec is concrete wall, Intumescent paint, skim plaster

The paint will give the steels in the concrete more protection in the event of a fire
(one hell of a fire to melt steel encased in concrete )

I have little info on the job, they have asked me to do a sample in the next couple of months

capital spread
new one on me too... if thats the spec then some twerp somewhere mujst have had the cossh sheets out etc.....
might be an idea to paint the wall (using the rediculously expensive intumescent paint) and skim it tacky... if you can get away with it that is... ;)
I have skimmed walls (board) where overspray not even heavy had gone onto the wall and the skim went of rapid style so be carefull because this was just speckled onto the board
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