Internal stop bead painting

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I am going to be plasterboarding a chimney breast, and will be going up to the edge of a new opening for a fire (Will only be decorative). It will have bricks all around inside, so the plasterboard needs finishing as neatly as possible... so...

Can I stick on these stop beads on the sides and top, get it skimmed up to and paint on the edges ? So there would be 1cm ish of painted edge on the inside before it gets to brick

I don't really know if the paint will look ok on the 1cm metal edge

u dabbing the boards on? also there will be the 1cm of bead plus the thickness of the plasterboard showing? bets way to finish would be to use a stop bead and use a backing coat then fill in the side of the bead, when painted would look good. when using plasterboard ur always ganna see the board on the inside unless u use a timber bead fitted afterwards?
oasis said:
kool bead thanks 4 the link, but anyhow he said its only decorative so should be fine
i no ive removed it ,thats me only reading half lol
also while were at it were does every1 geth there beads and PVA from, is there a good online place for bulk stock? i like the uni bond make its the best PVA imo every time i try TP stuff its crap and stays wet for ages!
are you using the plasterboard stop beads or the 3mm stop bead, if youre plastering it use the 3mm bead
It's the plasterboard thick stop beads that I got, thanks for the tips. I reckon it might need a little plaster behind the bead to bridge the gap to the brickwork, ta !

The colour is going to be a deep browny\purple hehe ;D
By time you have dabbed on a plasterboard you will probably have enough depth to put a skim bead on it.
nelly said:
By time you have dabbed on a plasterboard you will probably have enough depth to put a skim bead on it.
If so you can put a 3 mil stop tight to the brick and skim to the skim bead ;)
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