very unhelpful i have to say - :

some people on here need to get the sticks out of there arses. If you dont want to answer the questions then dont answer at all, go to the next thread miss this one.
anyway ive been plastering for 7 seven years skimming and boarding, lots of domestic and council work. so that rules out the plastering 5 minutes eh segs. talking of 5 minutes youve got your flexcment short course to get you out the recession???? WTF
I use this forum for finding information out, not for giving you lot the inside details of what ive done and who with and why and for how long!!!! Ive asked novice questions on a certain aspect of plastering - so what - just answer them or dont, whats it got to do with you what the details are, dont get me wrong if you want to know the details then ask and ill tell???
ive got to render a wall thats 3m sqaure as ive stated. ive asked a load of questions - just answer them or ignore me.
:-\ OH i forgot to tell everyone ive not rendered before but im a plasterer of 7 years, :-\ OH i forgot to tell everyone ive done loads of this customers house over the last couple of years, all to a high standard skimming boarding artex cover up etc, :-\OH i forgot to tell you now i know i can do 1 coat of render instead of 2 ill be telling the customer so he knows im not ripping him off. I could go! I will....
So anyway you now know i can spread, but not done rendering before so i rekon i can spread render if i mix it properly and add the right ingredients yes-no. i cudnt be bothered cus im doing it end of and the customers probably gona be there having a laugh with me while i do it!!! or better still segs get off your computer and come and show me how to do it instead of being so demorallised ALL the time.
Dpbeds why should i not be doing it if i have to ask the questions that i have to ask, - who are you to tell me that? well?
unsuspecting customer (now a friend)- what the hell are you on about mate, jumping to conclusions, eh just answer the questions and give me advice, Scraping for work - me and u both.
warriorupnorth- i priced for dub coat but then found out i can do single coat. on this thread :

OH i forgot to tell you ive spoke to the customer about this and the price has been adjusted accordingly????????? grrrrrrrr.
Ive asked questions cus i want them answered, i dont want to come on here to read the s**t ive just read, i just want answers, thats what its for yes, no ??? yes m8 im frustrated with you too.
oasis said:
to reali help me get jobs (and its working) i allways give them my web site address on the phone when i first speak and Say i have many reviews and a portfolio to look at and i tell them I'm part of the best of(town) then i turn up in my sign writtin van with my shirts with the logo a nice printed quote on good paper with a flyer in it and place in a plastic protection ect..and i feel that that goes along way. people keep sayin wow im impressed with the site ect and its good to see all this before a quote..
yes mate you sound amazing and wonderfull, is this what you want to hear., could you have not started new thread for this waffle theres a domestic going on here you know.
so there you have a bit about my life story 7 years palstering but no rendering - but because of this im a chancer who is not allowed to do something ive not done before let alone ask how to do it,. to say im pissed of with what ive read is an understament,. do you know how it works you ask a question you get an answer. All thats happened here is you have made me really uneasy about posting again (but i will). what about all the laboureres or plastereres who have only just started they may read this and think fuk asking anything on that forum and they will probably go to UK spreads instead.
thanks anyway