I've managed to get small internal walls perfectly level before by fixing a piece of unistrut on either side, then applying bonding with a straight edge, followed by multifinish.
Unfortunately, the next wall is very large and a weird shape.
I found this foreign kit, but it's very expensive when you include postage. There's also the problem I had with the unistrut of removing it afterwards to patching up where it was fixed.
Are there some kind of skinny beads you can stick to the wall, then straight edge as a small area and move along in manageable sections? If there is, will cracks appear in the finish coat that goes over the top of the bead?
Unfortunately, the next wall is very large and a weird shape.
I found this foreign kit, but it's very expensive when you include postage. There's also the problem I had with the unistrut of removing it afterwards to patching up where it was fixed.
Are there some kind of skinny beads you can stick to the wall, then straight edge as a small area and move along in manageable sections? If there is, will cracks appear in the finish coat that goes over the top of the bead?