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Private Member
Where and how much do you guys pay for insuring your machine and genny ..... I dont fancy having 10k worth of kit sat in the van uninsured.

thanks rich
I've hunted high and low for a used one there's a guy on ebay who does these bulldog 16kva ones but don't no what they wld be like
Can't you just plug it into you cigarette lighter in your van mate? Leave it ticking over. Jobs a goodun.
dont think youd be able to get it rich at a realistic price, i used to unload van every night into lock up but leave on me drive now, suppose could get trailer and back it in lock up every night.
no but i have just read through all the small print, if the van is done over between 9pm-6am they will pay out 80% of the claim ...

seems good to me, they will call me tomorrow i suppose
i have had all this before mate they will not pay you out they will make out its youre fault
all insurnace companies are the same mate, its under written by norich union so cant be that bad.

still for £15 a month its worth it in my eyes
simplybesty said:
got my plant covered on my PL insurance mate, i pay about 200 a year

what kind of plant is is ???? a lovely tulip is my bet.

I just insured my tools inc machine and genny for £10,000 for £159 covered 24 hours a day
My plant is insured by Zurich as an add on to my public liability and employers insurance, it covers any one item upto 10k as long as it's behind a locked door or gate (van/on site) and I think it cost £57 for the year.
talking of insurance has anyone got tax investigation insurance, i got it and vat investigation ins from pfp, a lot lf companies are getting compliance visits at moment round our way.
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