insurance work

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New Member
if i am doing a job for someone thats had a leak and there claiming on insurance what do i need to give to them
Not that i know of James, some insurers are quick at paying some are so slow , i mean 3 months+ for some flood damge once.
james said:
if i am doing a job for someone thats had a leak and there claiming on insurance what do i need to give to them

Give them a written quote & they can send it to their insurance company.
Then if they ok it they will send the customer a cheque & they will then pay you once works completed.
Go in over the top though, but not to mad as if it's to dear they will have to get other quotes or insurance company might get their own blokes in/subbies they use etc.

If it's already been ok'd with the insurance company just give the customer a quote then invoice them as normal.
wilber said:
Think they like to have about 3 quotes before they issue the work.....

They used to but not always now.
As long as it's lower than what they expect to pay out.
I did one last year I was his only quote & got the job he had no other quotes.
Most companies will send out an investigator if the price is over 1000 quid, to have a look.
Most companies now send a cheque to the customer to cash.
Most companies will accept one quote. The customer can tell the insurance mob that they want you for the job.

All you need is to type up an invoice on your PC. Your name, address, contact number, etc.... List what needs done, what materials you need, and a price. Sign it and give it to the customer to send.
And you no not have to be registered.

Don't go mad with the price. Just price it well for yourself. Take every single little thing into account with the materials, diesel, etc....
They all seem to operate a different system these days.

Ask the customer what the insurance company said to them.
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