insurance work

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New Member
hi,can anyone give me any advice please on insurance work,its a full house with one wall that needs render nocking off then to be re-render and then the full house wants re-skimming,he's claiming on weather damage if anyone can remember the little earthquake we had bout 4 months ago,but hes told me to write a letter to his insurance sayin wot i recken needs doing but theres only the one wall that wonts repairing and that was caused by a damp problem thats been sorted apart from that its just an house with a few little cracks that wants re-skimming,.......................ive never been involed in insurance work before and some people have said to be carefull.......thanks
The customer will prolly need three quotes depending on how much its going to be they may get the go ahead straight away or they might send loss aduster, find out how much excess they have on there policy and find out who paying you them or insurance firm might take a while if the later do it, i cover there excess in my qoute for promt payment by customer in return ;)
cheers,he told me they want 2 quotes, wots getin me is theres no damage to the house will they still payout...............
Only if the insurance firm gives the green light , small claims say under a thousand they just seem to do but in this case they will want to know more i would have thought.
insurance quotes I do usual price plus 20%ish.
I also sometimes charge £20 for the quote cos they are sometimes just collecting them but know who they want and if you don't get it you've done it for nowt.
I always tell em I'll knock it off price if I get the job tho
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