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Private Member
Been watching some lads fasting insulation board to the front of a terrace what is the regs on thickness of insulation.
What i do not understand is how you refasten the guttering with this thickness of board.
You're talking about the cladding kinda stuff here yeah?........I would have thought they would fasten the guttering back up first!:huh:
Been watching some lads fasting insulation board to the front of a terrace what is the regs on thickness of insulation.
What i do not understand is how you refasten the guttering with this thickness of board.

Use different gutter brackets.
the are no regs really on the thickness of the insulation it depends on what U value you want to achieve, usually you would be using around 80 - 100mm, you cant reduce any gaps/passage ways between two houses either under the limit by adding thickness to one house.

the system will be capped off with a soffit profile and it would normally accommodate the gutter above it, or onto it some way but depends on the building and the roof etc.
Yer am not sure if its a roks job with it been one of these re generation of a run down area jobs. So what do you think the render they are useing they seem to trowel
a cement coat on first then a colour top coat scraped back. Ive seen the local T***s have already scraped through to the insultion board and f**k*d the front up.
it prob is a thin coat system with a rubbed up texture. Its rare to see anything else go over insulation as its not flexible enough and any heavy render would just crack and also struggle to bond. to the insulation,

there are some sytems that allow a scrape render to go onto insulated facades but they need a good prep of a high polymer flexi basecoat scratched on first. Also there are some insulated lath systems but again not usually favoured
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