tex it all
well here iam after encoraging me son to go into bricklaying [he was intrested in it at about 12] and i didnt want him breathing in all the shite i have.he has passed his tests got his nvq after working on site for £90 a week this has taken bout 4 years now and at 20 years old cant get work as a brickie or hod or even labourer.so now hes rushing around trying to get anything just to get money coming in from shopwork to factory work,i keep saying dont worry it will pick up........thing is he,se a tidy brickie but like his mum says he was bright enough to do anything.........ive just got enough on for meself but ,having to start looking into taking him on wot afukin waste ...so to all the folk who look at the trades as easy money think again...yeah it will pickup like it always does and then next time theres anouther recession the building trades will be the first to be hit but unlike other jobs ,we never seem to be entitiled to any redundancy or severance or any other benifits when the shite hits the fan .all we get is more competion from chancers dole fiddlers and anyone who fancies having a go .....from near or far,...rant over hope it picks up for us all [proper trades]soon