I just cant believe it ... still in shock

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I had a call this morning from a lady who had just seen one of my signs up on a job I am doing at the moment, she asked if I could meet her at hers at 5pm.

I roll up at exactly 5pm to what turns out to be a huge hotel and walk inside to be met by a really nice lady with a beaming smile who said she was amazed I had turned up on time because people usually dont bother etc.

Anyway to cut a long story short she owns a lot of property in the area all of which are hotels, b&b's, bedsits and the like and spent nearly 2 hours showing me work which needs to be done. 3 new kitchens,new windows,flat roofs, gables hacking off,lath and plaster ceilings to take down and replace and loads more. she then just said to me you were on time, I like you and I want you to carry out all the work, anything you cant do organise the men to do it and run the job !!!! I am amazed.

all this from having a sign up, turning up on time and being friendly etc etc
landlady.... businesswoman.... property developer... everything for next to nothing...
it aint over till the skinny old bird pays up...
lol thanks Chris,

I will keep you posted on progress and usually I would agree with you as 99% of the time they are water tight but this lady seemed very different, I am very good at judging people and I am certain she would pay up no problem what so ever ........ well I hope .... gulp!.
richardbrown said:
lol thanks Chris,

I will keep you posted on progress and usually I would agree with you as 99% of the time they are water tight but this lady seemed very different, I am very good at judging people and I am certain she would pay up no problem what so ever ........ well I hope .... gulp!.
glad you saw the funny side mate..
be a beltin contract if shes a good un..
try mentioning the phrase 'stage payments' and watch her eyes!!
you never know though...
tip... mention the word 'cash'.. they love that word for some strange reason.. ;D
Come across to many people like this before if she has all this work and all these properties where is her regular builder, worth asking who has been doing the work before and then contacting them first to suss it out, good luck anyway.
I was thinking the same thing Lucius, so when I asked her she had no trouble telling me that a polish builder stayed with her for years and in exchange for a roof over his head he did all the odd jobs. The place's she has got look to me like no real work/decorating has been done since the eightys .

Hi mate i would give her a ball park figure for the work if she has had the polish guy living with her in exchange for work then she has been used to paying nowt.There again it might be your lucky day.Good luck
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