how to handle situation?

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Tiled n grouted a bathroom floor. Grouted just the edges of the floor first before puttin on the wall tyles so that the white grout wouldn't stain n go grey with the plumber puttin the bath in coz I knew he wouldnt sheet up the floor.
Explained to the customer in front of said plumber that unless floor was covered with a CLEAN sheet the grout would be stained with dust or crap from boots trainers etc and it would go grey in places instead of brilliant white. So I would do the floor and walls in one go so once im out the room Thats my job done and its left perfect to cure.
Even took the care to hoover the joints before hand infront of the plumber. Went to day and hes fitted a rad. Drilled brick dust with no sheet and its all over the floor and you guessed it ground into the grout. Its not gonna clean up good enough so I ve gone to see the customer who said would I have a word with him.
Now their elderly and I can see them gettin taken advantage of so I said Id have a word.

How would you guys deal with this.
hold back some payment from the blinkered c u n t. People who work in isolation obviously don't give a crap about anything or anyone else so why should he care if he doesn't get paid fully.....especially when your work is perfection!
Looks like a rake out & regrout.
Couldn't you seal the grout with a clear sealer like the one used with slate tiles etc...
Hardboards good for covering floors in this situation.

Tell the customer you have finished your job & warned them what could happen,
if you have to put it rite they will have to pay you.
Or you could bill him.
But really it's not your problem now it's down to their customer to decide what to do,
i know you want to help as they are elderly & he's probably taking the piss.
Good luck!
Really bruce (given what you said) it is the customers resposibility to flag it up with the plumb and counter charge for a re grout. if it is a total mess he cant argue the to55 can he. if you mention to him look the customer has asked me to regrout cos of the mess - expect them to knock some of your price off it might make it easier for the couple - the plumb may even be temted to approach them himself (if he had a spine, this is what he shouldv done in the first place). that would be ideal.
Why is it always plums or sparks that walk round thinkin they are the bo11ocks but they, who always diregard other trades works?
The couple said they dont want a fuss so they'd pay me to sort it but Im just gonna do it one night and go pay a visit to the plumber.
Re do it and Seal Guard it do a search for it its exspensive but fantastic.

suprised the grout stained with that is it water proof grout

What area is it ?
Lambretta-Tom said:
Re do it and Seal Guard it do a search for it its exspensive but fantastic.

suprised the grout stained with that is it water proof grout

What area is it ?
Yeh its water proof but although its ok to walk on after a few hrs it takes up to 7 days to become completely water proof cured. Runcorn
Sorry just re read your post

As you say mate your job was done.
I would tel the customer to ring said plumber uless he was sub contracting to you.
And explain he has stained there grout they would sharp ring him if he walked oil throught there carpets.

Offer the customer a soulution and tel them to get back to you, or you will call back to see if they have resolved it.
He is Bruce willis you know.
He'll probably jump out of a low flying chopper land on the plumbers roof jump off roof onto kids trampoline in back garden then somersault off trampoline towards the plumbers kitchen window with an oozi in each hand put his windows threw with the spray of bullets.
Dive through the broken glass & kick s**t out the rogue trader & demand the money back.
Nisus said:
He is Bruce willis you know.
He'll probably jump out of a low flying chopper land on the plumbers roof jump off roof onto kids trampoline in back garden then somersault off trampoline towards the plumbers kitchen window with an oozi in each hand put his windows threw with the spray of bullets.
Dive through the broken glass & kick (german word) out the rogue trader & demand the money back.
Yippikayaymother(french word)a!!!!!!
Yeh er gettin on a bit now so might just ring the door bell! :P
Bruce Willis said:
Nisus said:
He is Bruce willis you know.
He'll probably jump out of a low flying chopper land on the plumbers roof jump off roof onto kids trampoline in back garden then somersault off trampoline towards the plumbers kitchen window with an oozi in each hand put his windows threw with the spray of bullets.
Dive through the broken glass & kick (german word) out the rogue trader & demand the money back.
Yippikayaymother(french word)a!!!!!!
Yeh er gettin on a bit now so might just ring the door bell! :P

to avoid a confrontation you could always just write him an email or better still just go on a forum and pretend to be someone else and call him a mupit ;D
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