roughly how many m2...... can 1 mix of 4sand and 1cement cover at 10mm and the same for 5:1 please. thank
also is 1 mix of 4:1 or 5:1 called a 1 guage. cheers
few more silly questions..... am i better of buying my own hose pipe and attacments for external work.
also when mixing sand and cement at customers house where is the best place to do this as i see some trademen mixing there gear on the road.... is this a good idea u could have pedetrians tampering with the mixer.. also would i need some protect for the floor like tarps or even plywood to to preven the S&C staining the floor. cheers
alright me lover..... cheers for the offer spunky but i bought one.... i did a fire place for some once and i mix the c&s with a shovel.. and it nearly killed me. so i bought a mixer and havnt used it since. cheers
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