how many plasterers are there in the UK?

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not being funny lads i know a spred done a five week course two years back still going he works with his m8te when the work is there the spred never whent on a course and the stuff and tricks he knows is endless the guy is 52 still banging the work out ;) so come on put your hand up have you done a course not me im a good spred streets of life is good if you can hack it ;) ;) :) ;) ;) ;) ;)
me? i can skim, float and set, external render, BUT, don't know about this and that which is why I'm a member of this forum. wish i was a proper craftman, but i'm merely a bloke making a living, but with with the help of good guys, i'm getting by.

ps bit pish at the mo
theres alot of lads my brother is one of them who has never used anything other than finish and claim to be plasterers.
tis the british way...
in america your bro would be known as a finish plasterer...
they train people to specialise wheras we train people with a broader knowledge..
a british apprenticeship takes years and covers everything from tea making to getting paid...
were becoming more like the yanks..
even the nvq has 'modules'.. some are mandatory.. some arent..
be easier to ask the government whos signed on with 'plasterer' as their prefered trade... ;D
i dont mind them calling themselves plastreres tbh they could call themselves god for all i care its when i see lads who i know can only just about skim driving about in there van advertising rendering screeding dashing thats what pisses me off
napper83 said:
i dont mind them calling themselves plastreres tbh they could call themselves god for all i care its when i see lads who i know can only just about skim driving about in there van advertising rendering screeding dashing thats what (french word)es me off

Know what you mean got an ex lab who phones me up to help him with renders , what can you do ? But believe me he pays for the privilege.
;D sound! what you need church is a long line of ex labourers all ringing you up for a chuck.. you could make your money as a plastering consultant mate!!
Sounds intresting ;) , i would mind but this lad was hopless i cant believe in two years he is plastering in people houses when he was with me i wouldn't trust him to sit on the toilet the right way round.
there should be a little 'premium' bit where people have to pay money for advise from seasoned plasterers on here ;D
20 quid a pop.. theres that many out there i bet youd make a killing church ;D
I Just had a quick round up , from the one i know and heard of got to 55 spreads within a five mile radus of me, that quite a lot
mmm ok so 137745 square miles in the uk...
approx 50 plasterers in a 5 mile radius...
A= pi x r squared...
so a = pi x 25
so a = approx 78.54 square miles..
137745 divided by 78.54 IS.... 1753.82...
multiplied by 50


87691.... roughly...

plasterers in the uk ;D

population of britain being 60,943,912....


60,943,912 divided by 87691


about 692


100 divided by 692


0.144 percent of the population are plasterers...


seeing that everybody is a plasterer these days...

must mean that 99.866 percent of them are chancers!!!
working in sunny normandy, place called caen.locals recon cannot get plasterers for love nor money over here.
im in need of a new one left me on site in a tit cuz i told him to not mix up till im ready? had a tit and walked home? ta la then dnt collect 200 when u past go just go **F**uck ur self on the doll again ha!
jeda said:
working in sunny normandy, place called caen.locals recon cannot get plasterers for love nor money over here.

i was working 1/2 hrs drive south of caen a couple of weeks ago, local ex pat told me the same thing, going to have to learn columbarge (soil,sand and lime they use for external render) though!
yes plenty of work and ex pats. ours is lime work over two 17century farm houses.british owned.could be worse pug.used to be mixed with cow s**t sand /lime.cannot see my boys out collecting cow s**t for mix.
i'm a country boy at heart, not squeamish when it comes to bit of cow(german word)!

not sure about pricing work over there though, £220 for ferrry, X amount for lodging etc, gonna bump the price up too high isn't it? how do you work it jeda?

(Place i was working on was a mates, slept on site and his missus cooked)
one this job pug,all accomodation provided in empty farm house so no probs there.price wise you would find it very difficult to make it worth while against local labour because of accomodation cost.we are into our 2nd week of another 2 weeks for finish coat in prob mid july.all materials have come from distributor in devon,we are only charging labour,price wise would have been much cheaper to sauce local plasterers but none would or could take it on,we have done loads of work for guy who part owns the buildings with several other business of them is manager of tot hotspurs so money no probs.
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