how many bags!

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New Member
i went frew 8 bags of multi on me own 2 day woth no lab..doin stud walls in a few bedrooms,..and celings 2 ! did bout 1 bedroom 1 hallways and a cubord..that was some goin 4 me!
my hands hurt!
i take it youre off tommorow?? :o i did 6 today with a labourer...
Biggest set i ever done was 16 bags used to work with this lunatic who just kept laying on and on and on and then go mental trowelling up we did a whole top floor of a big office block it was bloody hard work but it all turned out ok well passable for site, we were mixing up in the fork lift muck tub with 2 mega mixers lets put it this way i havent done it since ;D but when im on site you only need to do 6 bags to cover your money usualy 2, 3 bag sets or if your feeling up to it wack a 2 bag set on with a bit of dirty water at the end of the day could always give it a dry un in the morning if its hanging and times running out.
biggest SET!!!! i take it yo mean 16 bags in a DAY bod...unless your on about those little 5kg waste of space bags for about a fiver from diy daves bodgit emporium ;D
ive done 6 max in a set working on my own mind you we were chipping the ice off the water butt in the morning ;D the lad next door with a lab was throwing on nine .....................mind you i had 115m on in a day and the next room prepped and he'd done the same but he had to prep the room in the morning as he'd spent too much time walking around trying to tell everyone what he'd done ;D
i think i spend 2 long skrimin and beading and sendin screw heads in!i do lots of rivate jobs 4 builders
I used to work with a spread who`d put loads on, he was quick alright but he always got pulled ,beads were never flush round the windows and the trowelling was crap .had to bin him off. I never kill meself always make a good day rate on price say £130, £140
Start at about 7-15 done for 3. And i can get up in the morning without feeling too knackered to go to work. :)
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