How is drylining done?

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So am i right in thinking,

Fix Plasterboard into place
Fill gaps/joins with filler
Place scrim over the joints
Fill gaps/joins over the scrim tape
Leave to dry etc
Then sand till smooth

as you describe but after first coat is dry, put a second coat on and feather it out 4" beyond first coat. better still skim it! ;D
it showed everywhere on my last job on the butted edges ;D
as far as i know mate you want to put the scrim on first if it's self adhesive then fill your screws, edges if it's tapered, tapered edges then a coat over the butt joints, let this go off and take the high points of then another coat feathering it over the previous coat and then poss another coat over youre butted joints
if youve got angles i'd do opposites and theres two types of compound setting and drying, i think you can use a drying compound over a setting compound and not the other way round, it's easier to sand mate :D
Do you have to use tapered edge plasterboard or does it not matter, never done it before but im curious on how it is done

if you use paper tape you won't have so much of an issue with scrim showing thru. use gyproc easifill, its the best stuff on the market
anyone ever tried to do an overskim where its been tape and jointed and theyve slapped lining paper over the top??
reason i ask is that if youve ever tried to scrape any kind of wallpaper off straight plasterboard youd know its a bloody nightmare..
bit like the window fitters that are now ripping out 15 -20 year old pvc out to fit new pvc...what are we all gonna be doing in 15 years time?? or more to the point what are our young labourers gonna be doin??
come to that..who gives a f@ck! thats their problem innit!!
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