how i loved that stand

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New Member
left my spot and stand on a job a few weeks ago we had been together for many years i had had that stand from day one 18 years ago,it is sadly missed and no ebay stand can replace it,one day we could meet up again and i will kill the thiefing b*****d that took it
It's a sad sad day :'(

May that stand bring out of date plaster, chipped floats, broken vans, old people moaning, uneven boarding and cut hands and sore feet to the person/people that have stolen it! Amen :o
A minutes silence please lads.
Whilst your at it some quiet reflection on our own loved ones.
Tommy the trowel
Brenda the bucket
Harriet the hawk
Wally the whisk
Simon and Sarah the stilts
and the rest.

By the way Danny can I have Bowser the bucket trowel back please?
my laptop died........................................................

I KILLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know what you are going through mate, I too am a victim of spot and stand thievery I was working on a site down in devon a few years ago and had mine stolen, but there was no other spreads on site so couldnt figure out who would wanna nick my spot and stand? It was passed on to me by my father (who has passed away) so was a bit gutted. Had to buy a new stand and picked up a nice bit off ply on site but it aint never been the same, oh yeah and the spot board i had was brazilian ply accoarding to my old man was really expensive always made me chuckle that one.
i managed to pick up a spot stand and scraper off a guy that did his back in, not surprised tho, them boards are low down! ive extended the arms of mine with tubular alloy (courtesy of some NHS crutches ) and its much more convenient and less strain through bending down
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