how do i go about this?

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hi,lads,skimmed a ceiling on friday,which had been studed & boarded by the clients mate. i got a txt this morning from the chap telling me the whole ceiling had come down,just as his wife walked out of the room at 4am as she was getting ready for work. he said all the screws are still in the stud work. i told him,besides doing a bad job,he's also,clearly over penertrated the boards. he's super pissed off with his mate & kept over stating it could of killed my wifeX1000000000. he's already paid my for the job. do i just charge him again?
no brainer, of course you do, you only do a job free when it goes wrong because of your doing.
he should do, but thats not your problem in all honesty mate. youve done nothing wrong, why should you work for free?
were the screws badly countersunk sounds weird tbh first time ive heard of a whole ceiling coming down
All of the above.
Were there the correct number of screws as I'd be surprised if it would come down even if they had broken through the paper.
you shouldn't really have had to the ask the question unless he tried to blame you in some way. I did a bit of work for a firm a while back and similar happened except the ceiling never came down but from what I can gather nearly did but they told the customer that it must of been my fault for mixing the plaster to wet but the worst of it is they believed them.
i normaly mix the plaster too wet when i wanna do the floor at the same time ;) . why can't these people take responsibility for there short commings instead of blaming the plasterer >:(
defo plaster too wet... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
gps said:
you shouldn't really have had to the ask the question unless he tried to blame you in some way. I did a bit of work for a firm a while back and similar happened except the ceiling never came down but from what I can gather nearly did but they told the customer that it must of been my fault for mixing the plaster to wet but the worst of it is they believed them.

i had a full ceiling of skim come down once... final trowel... house built about 1740... white chalky ceiling... pva... you live and learn eh? :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
It also depends what area you are in aswell if your mixing the plaster to wet,
as in some regions the water is wetter than others, so this has a big effect when mixing plaster.
Best to check with your local water board for up to date reports.
Nisus said:
It also depends what area you are in aswell if your mixing the plaster to wet,
as in some regions the water is wetter than others, so this has a big effect when mixing plaster.
Best to check with your local water board for up to date reports.

Good point nisus also do not dilute your water coz this can also make it too wet.
wish someone would have told me earlier i added som water to my water today but that made it far too wet and runny i dont think i got the ratio right i might add some more dryer water from up north next time
flynnyman said:
Nisus said:
It also depends what area you are in aswell if your mixing the plaster to wet,
as in some regions the water is wetter than others, so this has a big effect when mixing plaster.
Best to check with your local water board for up to date reports.

Good point nisus also do not dilute your water coz this can also make it too wet.


Can you use hot water? or does it evaporate, tricking you into thinking there's more in the bucket than there really is resulting in a not so wet mix :(
Then you'll struggle to get it on the ceiling :'(
madmonk said:
wish someone would have told me earlier i added som water to my water today but that made it far too wet and runny i dont think i got the ratio right i might add some more dryer water from up north next time

I always wondered where the dryer water came from ;)
Don't think he meant hard and soft water do you? Also water condenses at height, so if you were doing a job near mount everest and done your mixing up the top, got to the bottom sharpish, you'd find that the water would of expanded and made the mix to runny. Also if you forgot something up the top it would take a week to retrieve it
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