hose down or eva?

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hi fellas,if your scratch coat has been left for over a week & when you return to put the final coat on would you hose the scratch coat down or give it a good coat of external pva?
I always prefer to leave the scratch coat a few days so it cures properley as it can cause all sorts of problems if you top next day, and depending on the area i would check the scratch by flicking a little bit of water on, if it soaks it up give it a good soaking, but if it seems to run off then your waterproofer is doing its job and i would give it a light flick over just to dampen slightly.
never use pva outside, i remember doing my aprentership and the builder i done it with at the time pvad a big 5 bed house full of engineering bricks we where rendering...Lol....When we went back to do it again i pulled the lot off in about 5 mins...

I had a builder try telling me you should always pva your scratch coat to....
Spit on it ! If it sucks in too quick, a lite spray of water , don't drench it because that little bit of suction is what you need to enable you to rub up without waiting too long. Eva is a no no!
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