Homemade Venetian marble plaster recipe


New Member
Everyone — I’ve been looking around for a recipe on mixing my own Venetian plaster but can’t seem to find a good reference.

Does anyone have a recipe for this?

I have the following ingredients:
- mature lime putty
- marble dust
- linseed oil

I would appreciate if you could help compose the mix. Cheers
Everyone — I’ve been looking around for a recipe on mixing my own Venetian plaster but can’t seem to find a good reference.

Does anyone have a recipe for this?

I have the following ingredients:
- mature lime putty
- marble dust
- linseed oil

I would appreciate if you could help compose the mix. Cheers

Bit of cat s**t in there probably wouldn't go amiss.
Everyone — I’ve been looking around for a recipe on mixing my own Venetian plaster but can’t seem to find a good reference.

Does anyone have a recipe for this?

I have the following ingredients:
- mature lime putty
- marble dust
- linseed oil

I would appreciate if you could help compose the mix. Cheers
You would need some kind of colouring?
Bet you’d find the answer in this

Homemade Venetian marble plaster recipe

I could look it up if some nobhead hadn’t nabbed off with my copy!
Traditionally Venetian plaster was mixed using matured lime putty and marble dust. Mix usually at 2 dust to 1 lime putty. Natural earth pigments can be added for colour. Can be applied over a traditional lime / sand background, ensure that the lime / sand mix has been left to mature for minimum of 3 months but ideally 3 years and well beaten before use. In India they recommend using Hydraulic lime in the background, mix 5 : 2 Sand : Lime. The Venetian Plaster is applied in 3 coats, Course, Medium and Fine - Course contains particles up to 2mm, Medium particles 1mm and Fine 0.4 mm. I have made my own and used it over plaster slabs and sand/cement backgrounds.
Scagliolla is a very interesting finish. Materials are casting plaster, natural pigments and gelatine for making size water. The size water slows down the set of the casting plaster. I normally use either beef or pork gelatine, both give me the same result.
To make Strong Size water, place 1kg of Gelatine into 1 gallon of hot water and stir until gelatine is dissolved. Add 500 grams of lime to the mix, this is important, it helps prevent the gelatine going into jelly and reduces the odour which can be bad. Store in plastic milk bottles, mine normally keep for between 12 - 18 months. Incidently you can use the gelatine to make moulds from which you can cast from.To Make Gelatine moulds, the mix is as above but dont add the lime. Also gelatine moulds can be remelted and used again. There is information on Scag in W. Verralls The Modern Plasterer, Vol 2 Pages 180 - 185
Scagliolla is a very interesting finish. Materials are casting plaster, natural pigments and gelatine for making size water. The size water slows down the set of the casting plaster. I normally use either beef or pork gelatine, both give me the same result.
To make Strong Size water, place 1kg of Gelatine into 1 gallon of hot water and stir until gelatine is dissolved. Add 500 grams of lime to the mix, this is important, it helps prevent the gelatine going into jelly and reduces the odour which can be bad. Store in plastic milk bottles, mine normally keep for between 12 - 18 months. Incidently you can use the gelatine to make moulds from which you can cast from.To Make Gelatine moulds, the mix is as above but dont add the lime. Also gelatine moulds can be remelted and used again. There is information on Scag in W. Verralls The Modern Plasterer, Vol 2 Pages 180 - 185
Welcome along sir!

Hats off to you :tanguero:
Scagliolla is a very interesting finish. Materials are casting plaster, natural pigments and gelatine for making size water. The size water slows down the set of the casting plaster. I normally use either beef or pork gelatine, both give me the same result.
To make Strong Size water, place 1kg of Gelatine into 1 gallon of hot water and stir until gelatine is dissolved. Add 500 grams of lime to the mix, this is important, it helps prevent the gelatine going into jelly and reduces the odour which can be bad. Store in plastic milk bottles, mine normally keep for between 12 - 18 months. Incidently you can use the gelatine to make moulds from which you can cast from.To Make Gelatine moulds, the mix is as above but dont add the lime. Also gelatine moulds can be remelted and used again. There is information on Scag in W. Verralls The Modern Plasterer, Vol 2 Pages 180 - 185
think I will stick with vinamould
hes been reading millars book jess that's word for word what it says
I read Millars book a long time ago and you are right it is on Page 4 of his Book - Plastering Plain and Decorative. The interesting question is, Where did he get it from?. Now in his Book he refers to Stucco which is actually what Venetian Plaster is. The term Stucco was previously referred to in a Book by a Roman engineer called Vitruvius. He wrote the 10 Books of Architecture which is widely available and well worth a read from a Plasterers point of view. It discusses Stucco in detail, its preparation and application
@Spread 1 - Brill thanks, never heard before of the ten books but they're very good. Explains lots of building design old and new, Book VIII (8?) apparently covers finishes incl Stucco, haven't read it all yet.
Mate of mine is into archeology - I'll tell him about this if he doesn't already know about it. His team found an important Roman Farmhouse recently, these books show where all the walls should be etc.
@Spread 1 - Brill thanks, never heard before of the ten books but they're very good. Explains lots of building design old and new, Book VIII (8?) apparently covers finishes incl Stucco, haven't read it all yet.
Mate of mine is into archeology - I'll tell him about this if he doesn't already know about it. His team found an important Roman Farmhouse recently, these books show where all the walls should be etc.
Book 2 covers materials so lime is included in that. Book 7 covers the mixes and application