hiya all!! im new to this site

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New Member
hiya all im jamie and im new to the site, looks like a realy good site with a great way to pick up new things of intrest. i live down south and have been plastering on my own for a couple of years now but want to do a course soon at diomand plastering in romford. has any of use been there? reason for it is theres more for me to learn and give me some more confidance as thats what i need.........take care all will be looking forward to your replies
Gimpy said:
courses are for queers ;D Go with a spread or a Apprenticeship ;D
its all well and saying that but these days its hard just to go and join someone, easier said than done mate. ive been taught by my dad who has been plastering long enough but he is now retired so unable to still learn. so dont kinock the course till you try it mr no it all!
jmplastering said:
Gimpy said:
courses are for queers ;D Go with a spread or a Apprenticeship ;D
its all well and saying that but these days its hard just to go and join someone, easier said than done mate. ive been taught by my dad who has been plastering long enough but he is now retired so unable to still learn. so dont kinock the course till you try it mr no it all!
and also im to old now to go and do a apprentice. only want to do the course so i can get it put down on my csc ticket befor i do some site work if i choose? id rather do domestic work as you have more pleasure when you see the customers happy. not just rushing each day on a boring site job. but i know my plastering just a bit RUSTY thats all.....sorry to be a bit funny just people keep knocking these courses..
jmplastering said:
Gimpy said:
courses are for queers ;D Go with a spread or a Apprenticeship ;D
its all well and saying that but these days its hard just to go and join someone, easier said than done mate. ive been taught by my dad who has been plastering long enough but he is now retired so unable to still learn. so dont kinock the course till you try it mr no it all!

What are you telling me that a 2 week course will teach you the lot? Don't think so mate. But if it's to blow the cob webs away then why not do a wall and ceiling in your own house or a family member/friend who needs a bit doing ;)

The queer comment was meant as a joke ;)
calm down guys!

Apprenticeships are a thing of the past they just dont happen now.... too much red tape

do what you have to do as long as you get a good job done who gives a rats ass!!!

Danny said:
calm down

hiya all!! im new to this site

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