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New Member
Been great reading some of the threads in the last few weeks, Just starting part-time, will be doing other stuff for 3 days a week so will be looking for Labourer / dogsbody / assistant work for other 2 days of the week. Had loads of good info from here already, sorry for all the stupid questions I will ask in coming weeks and months !
Just a quick one to start with - If you start with a Plasterer -How do you make sure that he's teaching you the right way / not getting you into bad habits. I want to make sure I give myself the best chance of being a decent tradesman, I reckon this means starting right - any ideas ?
Welcome mate.
Thats a good question and the simple answer is you can't.
However it'll become apparent when you see others work and compare.
That said as you'll find out we all have different methods for different things.
You'll develop your own methods and ideas.
Just read the posts on here and you'll see what I mean.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
If the cat ends up skinned who gives a toss how you did it.
Just eat the cat.

(I hate cats)
a think you can tell wether some1 is good at their job or not like dpbeds says if the job looks good n the customers willin to pay then they must be doin somthin right
theres no silly questions mate fire away ............common sense goes a fair way in plastering keep on your toes and try and think for yourself youre plasterer mate will respect you for it  ;)
i,ve worked with about 5 or 6 different lads while i was learning (must be doing their heads in  ;D) and you learn a bit from all of them , no two plasterers work exactly the same !
also be prepared to put in a good 6 or so months of hard graft before you even pick a trowel up, but make the most of the time it's amazing how much you will learn just watching , this is also where plasterers vary some lads will let you do all the jobs , others will be breathing down youre neck and others you might have to ask them to do something because they may be a little too perfectionist and do everything themselves !
i was lucky enough to have worked with a spread for 6 months who spent all day teaching me how to use a straight edge, the other chap who i seemed to do alright with was a bit vertically challenged .............he liked to sit down alot  ;) so i had loads of time to have a good go and get a bit of speed up .............the rest just used and abused me  ;D.......but i still learnt a bit off each!!
Had loads of good info from here already, sorry for all the stupid questions I will ask in coming weeks and months !

It's better to ask and feel a fool for a moment than to not ask and be a fool forever!

I like that one!
Had loads of good info from here already, sorry for all the stupid questions I will ask in coming weeks and months !

It's better to ask and feel a fool for a moment than to not ask and be a fool forever!

I like that one!

very deep ;D
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