Hi there! Serious condensation on exterior door way in stone wall ..


New Member
It's a terrace cottage in Wales. I've spent a lot of time trying to sort out the damp, including tanking and an interior french drain, and it is mostly working, hurray! The house is set on a hillside, and the front (only) exterior door is on the downhill side, facing the weather. A lot of water is gathering on one side of the doorway, ie, the cross section of the stone wall, so that it runs down and sits visibly on the floor. It doesn't look like there is any way that water could get in past the door frame, which is UPVC and seems to be sealed well, so I am thinking that it must be just condensation.
Could it be a solution to cover the stone wall in the doorway with a layer building foam, so that it isn't so cold?
I should say, I've not used building foam before.. I am a DIYer in case you couldn't guess.