Help on cracking render


New Member
Been Plastering 13 years done loads of sand and cement rendering. The way I have been taught is that some times render just cracks?? I’ve done loads of jobs and 80% of them have never cracked. Just done a small extension and it’s cracked even though I put all the right stuff in it put it at the right thickness was on concreat blocks it’s still cracked why is this and how do I put this right? My idea is to k-rend over the top of it if I do so will I need to keep up the render or can I just pva it etc???
Been Plastering 13 years done loads of sand and cement rendering. The way I have been taught is that some times render just cracks?? I’ve done loads of jobs and 80% of them have never cracked. Just done a small extension and it’s cracked even though I put all the right stuff in it put it at the right thickness was on concreat blocks it’s still cracked why is this and how do I put this right? My idea is to k-rend over the top of it if I do so will I need to keep up the render or can I just pva it etc???
Key up the render ☝
Help on cracking render
Javier Saviola was a canny footballer tipped to be the new Messi as a youngin but never reached those heights
I put no mesh in the sand and cement I only do it in k-render. The reason it cracked was the expansion of the top coat drying to quick. Just one of them things I guess no one fault. Just need to know what is best to put on the sand and cement for k render to go over the top