Help guys.!

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i skimmed an old garage conversion a few months ago. the customer called me back a weeks later as it had a few cracks when i checkd all the bonding coat had blown. hes rencently payed some1 400 to nock off dot dab an skim an is tryin to bill me! some1 please help me explain to the soft t**t.. the floating was done by who ever converted the garage! i jus skimd it
go round there, drop your trousers, bend over, spread your cheeks, and tell him to kiss it. its nothing to do with you. T***s like him who try it on with you really do my f**k**g head in.
Hahaha i just been and explaind its the the fela whos done the floating coat he said.. well that was done over 20 years ago. he says heil be happy if i paint it for him..?? i think hes just afta a painting job for free. soft old t**t with nothng beter to do. other than get in ur way in bnq on a wednesday
liverpool_plasterer said:
Hahaha i just been and explaind its the the fela whos done the floating coat he said.. well that was done over 20 years ago. he says heil be happy if i paint it for him..?? i think hes just afta a painting job for free. soft old (french word) with nothng beter to do. other than get in ur way in bnq on a wednesday
in fact tell him you'd be happy with a blow job but that aint gonna happen ..........unless ::)
have you heard of duty of care ,the minite you started the job it became your problem in the eye's of the law pal
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