HELP A.S.A.P (Wetherby RENDER)

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New Member
just got plans for a huge new build that needs rendering and they have asked for a price in Wetherby waterproof render..
I'm looking to sub this out,but i need to understand it more..

first anyone intrested, and will this be applied to some kind of mesh or timber or is it onto block work ect?
any one interested in a good run of Wetherby rending and also internal plastering give me a message am in the gloustershire area
Oasis......Make sure who ever does this for you is upto scratch !!!!!
if you are quoting on the job and you dont know the crack,then maybe the person you sub in doesnt either?Be Sure be safe with who ever you employ
Im sorry mate but as ive said many times before rendering aint my thing so this is the only advise i can give ya.
thanks.. cant turn work down like this. im goin in with a team to skim the inside but will need a team on the outside
sorry to say this oasis...
ive never heard of wetherby render..
if someone called me and asked me to render their house in wetherby render id ask THEM what wetherby render was..
did you ask them?
need to give a price in 2 days,would be good to use some one off this site,that understand the stuff..
i know its a modern insulated render,they use it on timber frame houses and incresingly on new build houses.
I try to avoid sand and cement never mind this stuff.
Check it out mate but ime sure its premixed in a tub and expensive if your supplying maybe be better with Webber, Maxit or K rend.
Yeah it is pre mixed...i was working with a guy who did some work on the enviro village near me,and he told me that was what they where using.
All i know is its expensive but he recond it went on well .

found this but it would appear 'wetherby' is a company producing all manner of products plastering related..

'subbing it out' means youll be quoting the job, handling the paperwork, paying the lads who do the job yourself then invoicing the customer on completion.... and taking any cock ups on the chin.. i.e you'll be 'main contractor', set up as such with the taxman..

giving the externals to a specialist might be a good idea...just break the job up into internals and externals and let whoever does it buy you a drink or two..
just be an agent for the customer... sure theres a few on here that would handle it comfortably..
I think you will find that wetherby is only the trading name, like 'warburtons' bread for instance, id find out what the finish is, Acrylic, Plain render or scrape etc
Id leave it alone Oasis if i was you......sounds like you got work coming in often enough, a lot of hassle and a lot of money to be lost if you dont get it right.
Dont jump out of the frying pan into the fire mate.
A few years ago know i quoted for a massive job plastering a golf club house, i had to sub in some other people and under estimated the price and ended up nearly £2700 out of pocket.
never again will i be taking on something bigger than i can handle as im sure people on here will tell you all that glitters is not gold.
weatherby is the same as krend mate , whereabouts is the job oasis i've been doing render systems full time for about 12-13 years and i've go a machine
weatherby just the trade name .no diff than k rend Weber sot.etc polymer render systems .would be checking work of whomever you sub out to as will come back on you,reputation and financially.
oasis mate, i'm not putting a downer on it but if it was me i'd price for the inside and put the outside someone elses way and get a drink from them.

i know you've got big plans, but i also know from experience that taking on work you're not 100% sure about can go horribly wrong, be careful. no offence meant fella.
thanks again all, the only reson i am priceing the out side is i feel another team will price both and get it over me.
I'm happy to take on all kinds of work, sometimes jobs I don't particularly like to do myself but my golden rule is that everything I take on I COULD do myself, that way you know exactly what you're looking at and also if someone lets you down (doesn't turn up or standard not good enough) you can sort the situation out yourself as you would be responsible to the client and it is your reputation that's on the line.
BE WARNED: sounds like you could get burnt here oasis.

If you are serious then get a QS to measure the job, then approach a competent plastering Gang and ask them to price off the bill of quantities the QS will give you then add your mark up.

If you are not set up as a main contractor with the tax office you will then have to pay the subbies tax out of your net profit so you could loose out here and you probably wont get paid for at least 30 days after you complete the job so have you got the finances to pay the lads ???

Be careful
i hear ya all.,what ill do it get a good person in to do the rendering like u say for a few drinks or at least bita cash on side.. then its all down to them. then that way i can still get my price on the inside!

its like 7 rooms huge areas studies the lot!
Oasis listen to Southern Monkey i,m sure he's near you , you wont find any one better, he does a lot of this stuff and like he say's he has a machine
Also the builder of these houses aint gonna pay the money ur making on private dwellings,unless you bang em out superfast even the inside wont pay ya that well.Theres no money in plastering now days hell be paying ya £2.50 a m2 or such like unless your banging out 100m2 + plus a day it wont pay ya.
hi guys new to the forum Ive done a lot of weatherby rendering and pebble dashing how many meter squared is the job and what is the spec
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