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yayyyyyy youre back.... only been ooooooo 18 months or so eh? still doing bits for danny?

Welcome back mate!

Things have changed somewhat since you went! The banter is different and the place is a right laugh

Hi chaps think its been more than 18 months innit?

in a word yes and no!!!
Something got in the way and had to put plastering on the back burner.
done some little bits.
Should be able to resurrect the business soon tho.

Doing bits for Danny? Wasn't it the other way round lol.

Actually Danny chris has another job coming up.
One more 12 hour day should do it!! lol

Oh and was telling my lad about the hardwall incident the other day as I was teaching him to knock up!
He had to sit down ;D

Big bud? Who's he????
;D ;D
lol oh boy! that hardwall haha yeah we looked good!

I been back and 2 more rooms for them now and remember that neighbour that said I was tooo expensive I went ant put a room right for them as well....lol


Hey Chris! Danny just told me who you are!!!
Nice one.
Hope you're well.
I'll pm ya when I get a mo!!


Anyone seen or heard from mikeyspread?
he was left for weeks till they found him, unfortunately a young girls basketball team was playing near by and when one of them went to urinate they impaled themselves on mikeys thumb
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