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hiya danny, hiya craig. hope your busy? ive just re-skimmed a livin room only charged £120 but only took me a day, i used that multi finish in the orange bag, i found it went off really quick?? much quicker than normal finish in the black bag!!! anyone else found this?? yeah im in llandudno now bin here since april but originaly from birmingham....im scratchin around at the moment 4 work done some flyers and ads so see how it goes...

right, did you unibond the walls? i always been told 2 coats but I tend to 3.

was the plaster out of date? ----> happened to me a few times

was a window open? ----> acts like a hair dryer

was it mixed with dirty water?    ----> always use clean as dirty speeds up the chemical reaction

was the board you poured the mix onto dry?   ---->  may sound sill but a dry board will suck the water out of a mix

was the heating on?  ----> like a hair dryer again

these are the most common problems I have come across, maybe also you played around with it a bit too much trying to get it perfect. do you do a 2 coat skim of try and hit it in one?

Hope I have been of use


these are all factors, I only use the finish you talk about you have around 45 mins on it.

PS congratulations on your first job..... Also go to your local trade shop, we have Wickes and hand out business cards to other contractors in the car park of in the store... works a treat and if they like you, you are guarunteed work.
yep everythin was bang on, plaster was brand new, mixed outside unibonded walls always do 2 skim coat, layin on coat and layin down coat, everythin was clean so no contamination?? dont get it?? room was a bit warm but didnt warrant it goin off that quick.. wiered...
lol just read ur last bit.. this wasnt my first job, bin plasterin since the eighties, but only just realy used this multi finish stuff, always used the black bag finish, so i just thought they may have made this multi-finish to go off quicker and save on waitin around to trowel up time...
wats the best way you guys find to advertise?? id be intruiged to know?? flyers? cards? yellow-pages?? and where are you guys advertisin? be grateful for a bit of help on that? wat do you find works best??
yeah I know you were before but I meant congratulations on your return to the trade. :-/ :-/ :-/

never seen that black bag stuff.

I advertise in a local magazine but also a sign written van helps. flyers and business cards always helps.

took about 3 months for the ad to work in the magazine mind was almost going to pull it and try another method but like 3 calls dropped in athen another.

I got work from a bathroom fitter did a ceiling for him at short notice... maybe it was a wall but anyway did the best I could to keep him sweet and now get work about once twice a week off him.... bathrooms got them down to a tee now....lol

weird how yours went off quick.... I have been on jobs before when its gone bang...

I did a small ceiling for my aunty and it went sooo quick I was happy >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Friends and family are a good way to promote business along with drinking in your local in dirty clothes people will ask what you do ect.... I never walk up and tell people i let them ask....lol

T-shirts also are good printed up, promote my other businesses this way always works and gets people talking

Anyway hope this is enough to get started

Danny ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
cheers danny thanks 4 that, big help to me that is, when i say the black bag stuff i just mean its got the black print on it, its just carlite finish, but u no how like board finish is in green, multi-finish is in orange, bondin is in blue etc.. ;)
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