yeah I know you were before but I meant congratulations on your return to the trade. :-/ :-/ :-/
never seen that black bag stuff.
I advertise in a local magazine but also a sign written van helps. flyers and business cards always helps.
took about 3 months for the ad to work in the magazine mind was almost going to pull it and try another method but like 3 calls dropped in athen another.
I got work from a bathroom fitter did a ceiling for him at short notice... maybe it was a wall but anyway did the best I could to keep him sweet and now get work about once twice a week off him.... bathrooms got them down to a tee
weird how yours went off quick.... I have been on jobs before when its gone bang...
I did a small ceiling for my aunty and it went sooo quick I was happy
Friends and family are a good way to promote business along with drinking in your local in dirty clothes people will ask what you do ect.... I never walk up and tell people i let them
T-shirts also are good printed up, promote my other businesses this way always works and gets people talking
Anyway hope this is enough to get started