hello to all

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New Member
hello to all,im new to the site looks bril,ive been plastering for five years now and want to setup myself,im a coach builder at min but it does my head in wen im makin more money at weekend then i do in work for five days,...........................i also want to get in to damp proofing this is were im gettin stuck does any1 no were to get training in north yorkshire ..or wot u need to do to b able to do it as a job...
dampin is a big subject mate, used to work for a firm, more to it that drillin an injecting, you need to know youre stuff...that said, its not rocket science, anyone reasonably switched on can get their head round it, approach one of the chemical companies such as triton (not the shower people) find there site and you should be able to apply for their course, then you get registered, then you can offer guarantees...good thing to get into...think woodworm, dryrot, wetrot, tanking, floor/groundlevels, structures (cavity, solid 9, stone..always older buildings innit), bridging dpcf (very common, easy money), chemical dpm (synthaproof, trimol (very good stuff)), french drains...
dont even need an injection pump these days, garden sprayer and injection gel...
go for it mate...dont forget condensation...heres a tip...you come across black spot mould...usually condensation (no ventilation) NOT rising damp, easily treatable, see salts on the wall - usually damp at low level, leakly gutter/chimney breast/flashing at high level...
cheers again bigsegs,i will rmber that found the triton site ringin them in morning cant wait...cheers
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