hello new member here

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New Member
hello,i'm lee from manchester, i've been a plasterer for 18 years and i've got to say it's doing my head in.

is it just me that has no work? it's never been this bad before >:(
This is the second recession i have worked through, first one in the late 80s wasn't that bad there was still work about if you looked , this time around is probably the same just a lot more trade out there fighting for the same amount of work .
church said:
This is the second recession i have worked through, first one in the late 80s wasn't that bad there was still work about if you looked , this time around is probably the same just a lot more trade out there fighting for the same amount of work .

last year was bad but worked 7 days a week from september till 3 weeks ago and got nothing now.
Trouble is ,the cost of living and house prices are so high people are no longer prepared to start at the bottom wage wise , so there is a lot more running before they can walk in our trade .
hi lee yes it seems up or way the firms are still rippin the boys off like they are cashing in on the situation of low rates to make higher prof. plus there are tens of thousands of joe poles available too. where you live pal and do you do site work
plasterjfe said:
hi lee yes it seems up or way the firms are still rippin the boys off like they are cashing in on the situation of low rates to make higher prof. plus there are tens of thousands of joe poles available too. where you live pal and do you do site work

i'm from manchester, never really done site work,i just stuck with builders and private jobs.

i would do site work though,how do you get on site?
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