Just an intro from me to you 
Never knew this site existed untill the other day, I'll be sticking around and posting mindless inane comments and useless advice cos I'm good like that.
I'm 40 have been plastering for 20 odd years and I absolutely hate electricians. They have to be the most ignorant selfish bastages on planet earth.
I know I'll put two sockets on the wall half an inch apart, so that theres no tool on planet earth that a plasterer can fit in there. I'll put all light switches 4 inches from archtrave cos their trowels wont fit in there too, oh and leave 14 miles of cable hanging out of every back-box.
Plumbers can plss off too, they all think they are bleeding royalty when the reality is they are just attaching one thing to another................like meccano.
Whose next?
roofers................ couldnt outwit a breeze block
Decoraters............allways misserable bastages
Joiners...............Do you really need to get 3 tool boxes out, a bench saw, a lecky plane, 14 drills and a dewalt bleeding radio /charger just to fit a door handel?
Meanwhile as we, and they, ALL know, the only trade that needs REAL skill is plasterers!
If I have missed anyone out feel free to slag them off on my behalf right here

Never knew this site existed untill the other day, I'll be sticking around and posting mindless inane comments and useless advice cos I'm good like that.
I'm 40 have been plastering for 20 odd years and I absolutely hate electricians. They have to be the most ignorant selfish bastages on planet earth.
I know I'll put two sockets on the wall half an inch apart, so that theres no tool on planet earth that a plasterer can fit in there. I'll put all light switches 4 inches from archtrave cos their trowels wont fit in there too, oh and leave 14 miles of cable hanging out of every back-box.
Plumbers can plss off too, they all think they are bleeding royalty when the reality is they are just attaching one thing to another................like meccano.
Whose next?
roofers................ couldnt outwit a breeze block
Decoraters............allways misserable bastages
Joiners...............Do you really need to get 3 tool boxes out, a bench saw, a lecky plane, 14 drills and a dewalt bleeding radio /charger just to fit a door handel?
Meanwhile as we, and they, ALL know, the only trade that needs REAL skill is plasterers!
If I have missed anyone out feel free to slag them off on my behalf right here