Hello ladies!

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Private Member
Just an intro from me to you :)

Never knew this site existed untill the other day, I'll be sticking around and posting mindless inane comments and useless advice cos I'm good like that.

I'm 40 have been plastering for 20 odd years and I absolutely hate electricians. They have to be the most ignorant selfish bastages on planet earth.

I know I'll put two sockets on the wall half an inch apart, so that theres no tool on planet earth that a plasterer can fit in there. I'll put all light switches 4 inches from archtrave cos their trowels wont fit in there too, oh and leave 14 miles of cable hanging out of every back-box.

Plumbers can plss off too, they all think they are bleeding royalty when the reality is they are just attaching one thing to another................like meccano.

Whose next?

roofers................ couldnt outwit a breeze block

Decoraters............allways misserable bastages

Joiners...............Do you really need to get 3 tool boxes out, a bench saw, a lecky plane, 14 drills and a dewalt bleeding radio /charger just to fit a door handel?

Meanwhile as we, and they, ALL know, the only trade that needs REAL skill is plasterers!

If I have missed anyone out feel free to slag them off on my behalf right here :)
Well said Nelly , you would really appreciate a directors comments on plastering & plasterers at a building firm i used to work at.

He described plasterers as being nothing but overpayed decorators >:(
and plastering as being purely cosmetic .
The spreads just loved him :o
nelly said:
Just an intro from me to you :)

Never knew this site existed untill the other day, I'll be sticking around and posting mindless inane comments and useless advice cos I'm good like that.

I'm 40 have been plastering for 20 odd years and I absolutely hate electricians. They have to be the most ignorant selfish bastages on planet earth.

I know I'll put two sockets on the wall half an inch apart, so that theres no tool on planet earth that a plasterer can fit in there. I'll put all light switches 4 inches from archtrave cos their trowels wont fit in there too, oh and leave 14 miles of cable hanging out of every back-box.

Plumbers can plss off too, they all think they are bleeding royalty when the reality is they are just attaching one thing to another................like meccano.

Whose next?

roofers................ couldnt outwit a breeze block

Decoraters............allways misserable bastages

Joiners...............Do you really need to get 3 tool boxes out, a bench saw, a lecky plane, 14 drills and a dewalt bleeding radio /charger just to fit a door handel?

Meanwhile as we, and they, ALL know, the only trade that needs REAL skill is plasterers!

If I have missed anyone out feel free to slag them off on my behalf right here :)

SLIPPY said:
Well said Nelly , you would really appreciate a directors comments on plastering & plasterers at a building firm i used to work at.

He described plasterers as being nothing but overpayed decorators >:(
and plastering as being purely cosmetic .
The spreads just loved him :o

Well he's a proper tit then!

Plastering IS purely cosmetic! So to say that in a dissparageing way is nearly as stupid as being a roofer :)

Heres the proof of how our trade is more skilled than all others....you'll like this.

Brikies, get bricks that are set in size and shape and they just put them next to each other,

Plumbers (or dumb and dumbers) just attach premade things to one and other, the same as *spit* electricians.

Joiners have various bits of pre formed wood they attach to things.

Where as we get given a dollop of shlt that we have too mould into a perfectly flat wall.
minty said:


I dont mind brikies...however doctors can f*ck themselves!

Allways going on about how we should do this, and not do that over and over again.

They think they are so above the rest of us, they think they are one step off being god!

Well heres a 'heads up' mr doctor, all you are is a hairy @rsed mechanic for bodies rather than cars.

Your a doctor so shut the F up and do doctoring.....you aint my 'lifestyle coach'

Jack Dee said - doctors say if we follow their advice we will live 10 years longer..its the worst 10 years of our lives sitting and shitting in napies again
Bloody hell nelly you may ave hit teh nail on the head and its funny!!

But please be nice...just a little!

All the best

drylinners, why do they get all the rendering work in there contract. Lets face it, how hard is it to stick some boards to the walls, they even tapper the board edges for them so all they have to do is fill the gap. Lets face it, its not even a trade is it. most are artexers and failed spreads. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
simplybesty said:
drylinners, why do they get all the rendering work in there contract. Lets face it, how hard is it to stick some boards to the walls, they even tapper the board edges for them so all they have to do is fill the gap. Lets face it, its not even a trade is it. most are artexers and failed spreads. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

its like being a carpenter who only does door linings! ;D ;D
Oh window fitters!

Fitting a square peg in a square hole................yeah really skillfull.................I think not :)
quote author=carobyn link=topic=3767.msg44268#msg44268 date=1257460077]

Here goes,

What's the Nelly view on politicians ?

(Stands back and waits for blue touch paper to go out).

Sorry mate missed your post, and yes I have an opinion on politicians.

At the moment they are running on TV (at tax payers expense) adverts to encourage us to shop a benefit thief.

Only weeks after they were all caught stealing benefits themselves.

Across the board they are unfit for their purpose, they constantly let us down and seek only to find new ways of taxing/fineing us.

A bit back someone was fined £60 for putting her wheelie bin out a day early, and some councill has just tried to fine someone for feeding ducks at her local pond £75.............. calling it littering


They undermine teachers, police, courts and each and everyone of us when they apply their ridiculous ideas.

We are no longer allowed to have 100 watt bulbs to save electricity

And yet they do this

Hello ladies!

How can any sane minded person listen to any of these kunts for a second?

The rise of the BNP is meteoric and our politicians blame racists and uneducated people etc,, but the reality is they have caused it themselves, they have pushed people over the edge of dispare and helplessness, they have pushed people to the point where they feel nothing they say gets done, and nothing they want ever happens.

I dont support the BNP in any way, my own niece is half Iranian muslim, but I do like what they are doing, they are offering people an option against the self serving self righteous useless kunts we have in government.

A lot of me wants the BNP to succeed, only to make the MP's look at themselves and sort the country out

As plasterers, the only thing our customers want is a decent job done by us.

As voters all we want is a decent job done by politicians, but it seems they are all f8ckin cowboys who just did a DVD course in "how to be dead good at politicing"

And on a final note......they said "we need all these cheap Polish workers here, as we havent enough skilled people of our own"

I say........ ok fair enough but can we have a load of cheap Polish MP's cos ours are a shower of unskilled shlt!!!
You forget to add to your hate list all the plasterers who are going in at silly prices all they are doing is cutting theirs and every other plasterers throat by driving down prices.
nelly said:
I say........ ok fair enough but can we have a load of cheap Polish MP's cos ours are a shower of unskilled shlt!!!
Great post Nelly. You've summed up brilliantly what 98% of the people in this country think.
Capital spread said:
You forget to add to your hate list all the plasterers who are going in at silly prices all they are doing is cutting theirs and every other plasterers throat by driving down prices.

Amen to that brother!

The trouble is in a recession people have to do what they have to do to survive, theres a lot of lads out of work and taking £60 for a days work + the dole and tax credits is a way to do this. I understand it, I dont like it but I do understand it.
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