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bombay bill

New Member
i done a 5 day plastering course 2 months ago and iv just landed my first big job,2000 m2 of skimming board work but im having trouble with the beads,i cant get the finish to look right over the big wire mesh thats on the beads iv tied cutting it but it keeps sticking out and when i start down the end of the wall,i go back and its rock hard but i went over it with a spatula and still nothing
youre not doing anything wrong mate its all within tollerance on site work ;)
p.s ignore roofer he's just jealous ;D
kebab your spot on mate wheres minty latley i need to get in touch with him lost his moby no
no seriousley,im getting 8.50 m2 skimming but im struggling with the beads can anyone help me,plastoroof you seem to know what your doing,please?
look m8te are you shiming over board if so use thin coat bead use your trowel side on to see if you have cuverage and you will be fine as for roofer plasterer whats the m2 for sandtex tile i meen theres 8 per pack how meny packs per m2 m8te as i can get s**t loads and rige tiles at the moment ;)
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