Hello Everybods

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Private Member
There was a space in my life for another forum, thanks to my eviction from the Big Budder house. A few of your recent additions know me, but most of you will not. Please don't all hate me at once, because I am a dryliner!
Hello TonyM,

I have been reading about you on the other forum.... you seem like a top bloke fella (all be it a dryliner) lol

Welcome to one of the best plastering forums (getting a big head)

All the best

Oh dear! My reputation precedes me then?

From what i have read here so far, this seems a pretty good place.

Thanks for the welcome chaps. Cheers.
dabbings a pieces of piss ......know you should try wet dashing................................. ;D
p.s ......i'm a rubbish wet trade spread but im surprised youre not in oz mate i would be !!
lol so can spread as well as tack? I was watching some tackers the other day they said they were on price, I thought either they are on £20 a board or they dont like making money...lol

They were so slow!!

spunkybum said:
dabbings a pieces of piss ......know you should try wet dashing................................. ;D
p.s ......i'm a rubbish wet trade spread but im surprised youre not in oz mate i would be !!
I would be if I was single.
i passed the online test as a plasterer with my missus as a housewife and kids ( as marine biologists 3 years and 15 months respectively;)) ......im gutted cause i'd be crap over there but if you can tape joint and board youre quids in :)
TonyM said:
spunkybum said:
dabbings a pieces of piss ......know you should try wet dashing................................. ;D
p.s ......i'm a rubbish wet trade spread but im surprised youre not in oz mate i would be !!
I would be if I was single.

Thought you was the only G** in the village ;D
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