hello all

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New Member
hi geezers

just saying hello...and by the way dont listen to phippsy33..hes a plumber really ...and a bad one at that!!!
by geezers i can only assume you mean gentlemen....we're not all oiks from essex ....you know.. old chap....
hello jonesy...wardog .......didnt take alot to guess with that name lol
hows the build going? have u shot the customer yet?
hello mate hows the plumbing?? you nutter..got a great idea call ya tomoz..keep at the plastering mate itll come..soon youll be as good a plasterer as you are a plumber!!!
i told u i aint a plumber.......erm more of an odd job man........at least im not a tiler....id have to commit harry kiri if i did that......
Heelo war dog how are the sheep, i must say those pictures that you sent to me of you and your pets were rather distastefull, hope there is going to be none of that behaviour on here ???
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