Hello! Ad tips?

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New Member
Hello, I'm a newbie.

Is there anywhere on the forum for advertising/promotional tips?

The business is dying on its *rse at the moment (Bath/Trowbridge area). :(

I've got a half-decent website (search engine optimised too, supposedly).

I'm on yell.com which is OK and have done a bit of google listing stuff but didn't get a single call off that so I'm moving to pay-per-click.

Are the MyHammer and MyBuilder sites any good? Maybe it's me but everyone seems to price really low and you have to pay membership and for leads and/or successful quotes. Seems a bit of a rip-off to me.

Have tried local paper ads and cards in shop windows. Nothing seems to work that well.

I moved to this area nearly three years ago and business seems to be getting worse rather than better. Don't think it's my work as I think it's pretty decent and I do get some repeat business.
A bit of both but mainly I'm not getting the phone calls in the first place.

When I do get a call, sometimes I'll quote and not get the work.

Other times I'll quote and the customer seems surprised that the quote's so cheap! ???
do you come up in google for search terms relating to plaster towbridge etc?


PS welcome to the forum
I normally ask if I dont get the job and see why.... in a nice way...

this when I started proved to be very valueable and gave me some great ways to improve


Yes, I've 'hired' a few search terms so I come up in the sponsored links section on Google for 'Plasterer Bath' and a few others. Trouble is, they never seem to generate any phone calls.

Good idea to get feedback on quotes I don't get but, as I say, the main problem is getting the phone to ring in the first place.
Well if your interested I can get you on the front page without having to pay...

well you will have to pay me but that will be a one time fee

Mate of mine paid £1000 for check a trade about 3 months ago. Not one call, we just checked and he's number 39 in the list, 19th within 5 miles. He's abit pissed off
Thanks Danny but being on the front page hasn't helped me much so far (but I'll bear it in mind).

Check a Trade sounds like an even bigger rip-off than the others then?! :o
hmmmm but when you are in the pink sponsored links.... people almost ignore them because it looks like an advert....

The hot spot of any web page is either the top left or the center of a page where the content is.

Can you get an existing website to feature there then, Danny? (I don't have complete control of the content of mine)

Most of the time I can.... send me a link to the site and say 3 terms you would want to rank for and I will go take a look

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