You dont have to skim bonding before tiling!! key the bonding or hardwall, if you cant due to going bonding over old walls to level out give it a lick of 5-1 then tile away pal.
I must admit ive tiled over bonding /hardwall /filler /expanding foam /tiles on tiles /wood paneling /MDF / even an old glass surving hatch and old redundant plug sockets and never had a problem in over 20 years.
PVA should not be used in tiling for many reasons. All adhesive manufactureres have their own primers usualy Acrylic or SBR based if you use PVA and it fails you will get no help from the makers.
apart from the weight issue grout isnt waterproof... its water resistant
half the cheap tile adhesives on the market today aint waterproof... wickes have changed their adhesive to some white acrylic shite... and believe me it is absolutely crap...
and bonding / hardwall deteriorate when wet, wheras render doesnt... however finish plaster does..
best thing i reckon is if there is any doubt then spray it with a grout / tile sealer like you get for showers...
or render it and tile the render...
whatever you do though... let it dry properly first or youll be asking for trouble..
If you follow the spec then plaster should be allowed to dry for 6 weeks before tiling unless you use the tile adhesive that is designed to be used on green plaster.
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