hand mixers

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Private Member
got a small wall to plaster in a bathroom, i was thinking about getting a hand mixer, has anyone used one before, are they any good :-?
God i really feel old ;D tbh the new purpose made hand mixers are ok but will break under serious pressure i have one thats really old made from a bike cog welded together by a mate , these days it better to put a small paint stirrer atachment on a cordless combi drill, as mixing i multi by hand takes a bloody years for the plaster to set
hi m8,

i used them for years before the drills came out they are ideal for small walls ect its easy to make your own usually done with an old bike cog and a steel rod welded together, failing that as an ermergancy use a small Drain cover nailed to a small broom shank or similar, the ones u can buy range from ok to very femma, but they will do the job
not as bad browning in a bath with a rake 25 big bags a day , and then load out the upstairs   for the next day  :'( ;) looking back now wish id of said stick it up your jack and gone into computer s
i dont think it'd hurt to give a labourer a stick and a rake for a month ..........then give them the whisk
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